369 Posts
16 years, 3 months ago
I saw it on Friday. I thought it was a great movie. Better than Iron Man even though it was hyped less. Iron Man was so ridiculously over-hyped it's funny, and I thought Iron Man was alright, but there was so much talking and very little action.

If there's a thread on this, sorry
    Bomberman's Avatar
    3299 Posts
    16 years, 3 months ago
    If there's a thread on this, sorry
    There is, but it's all right.

    I hope to see this sometime.
    Game... ovahhhhhhhhh!!!
      Maklu_IV's Avatar
      747 Posts
      16 years, 3 months ago
      I saw it on Friday. I thought it was a great movie. Better than Iron Man even though it was hyped less. Iron Man was so ridiculously over-hyped it's funny, and I thought Iron Man was alright, but there was so much talking and very little action.

      There was less action in Iron Man because they had to establish Stark as a changed man and the development of his armor. Hulk jumped right in with the story, leaving the origin and such as a montage in the opening sequence, which is probably why people liked Hulk more.

      That said, I saw both films and loved each of them. I can't wait for Cap and Thor and ultimately, the Avengers.

      n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
        Stinkor's Avatar
        67 Posts
        16 years, 3 months ago
        "Don't make me hungry, you wouldn't like me when I'm....hungry? No wait, that's not right." Great movie!!
          RetroRickster923's Avatar
          16 years, 3 months ago
          Didn't get a chance to see it...and there's alot of good movies out. Decisions, decisions... :roll:
          I am Ricky, hear me think! :D
            5908 Posts
            16 years, 3 months ago
            "Don't make me hungry, you wouldn't like me when I'm....hungry? No wait, that's not right." Great movie!!

            lol dexter's la-bor-a-tory
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