Ilikethepixies's Avatar
5870 Posts
16 years, 2 months ago
Maybe it was really dark.

Maybe you were temporarily blind.

Perhaps you thought you were in the correct room when in fact you were in the wrong room.

There are many reasons we touch things we shouldn't, and let's share them here!

Tell us what you touched, why you mistakenly touched it, and what the outcome was. We will all have fond memories of this.
    Zavala's Avatar
    405 Posts
    16 years, 2 months ago
    We were at college (I study in the night shift BTW)... there's a blackout so nobody can see anything, I mean, we were on a machinery lab so the place gets REALLY dark... beside me was a girl... I SWEAR I didn't moved or at least I didn't realized I moved and I felt something over my hand, my natural reaction is to quickly touch it and then backup a bit... lights go on again... SHE was infront of me... backwards... you can guess what I touched but the funny part is that she:

    1) Didn't really felt it
    2) Didn't cared
    3) Purpously did it?

    Whatever was the reason, we both were like nothing happened... I have DOZENS of these kinds of situations... and for your amusement, here's one completely backwards:

    I was 15 (more or less) and have this 2 female friends that had certain... odd behavior (uhm, closet lesbians?). ANYWAY, we were on a line, the 2 of them were infront of me... so one of them asks me to stay close to her and we both go behind the other girl, she then asks me to put my hand near her butt (oh yes...) and then she slowly slapped/caressed her friend on the butt (the one infront, obviously), she immediately turn around and see my hand near her... of course I didn't touched her, but she think I did... guess what happened next... yep, you guessed right, the girl blushed a bit and tells me "oh, I didn't knew you were... like this... tee hee..." ... I almost fall over and ask both to NEVER do that again... sadly, from that day forward, my secret became evident... I'm REALLY shy, timid and blush easily, in other words, the perfect and favorite target for girls... but that story is for another thread...
    Nice to have Mr Monkey eating-an-ice-thingie back...

      outfit's Avatar
      899 Posts
      16 years, 2 months ago
      My best friend and I (as kids) would pick out the most obnoxious acting/snobby looking women as our targets and then would casually have her lead me over pretending I was blind. I would then feel around and mess with their expensive pocketbooks, etc. as if i didn't know what I was doing. They would be so shocked, and angry but didn't know what to can you yell at a little blind girl?...even if she is getting sticky icecream and candy on your $850 handbag. I feel bad about it now, but back then we thought it was funny. We must have been pretty bored... :roll:
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