Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
Release: March 24, 2005

Gracie Hart is back and her days of being an undercover agent are over after the notoriety she gained from the Miss United States pageant. Under the advice of her boss, Gracie becomes the FBI's new media relations officer. Ten months, the help of style coach Joel Meyers, and a best seller later, Gracie is the made-up darling of the FBI who also gets a bodyguard in the form of Sam Fuller, an agent with some anger issues of her own. Neither woman can stand each other, but are forced to partner up and head to Las Vegas when the reigning Miss United States and pageant host Stan Fields are kidnapped while there on a promotional tour. Placing conflicts with Sam aside, Gracie must work with her to save her friends before it's too late. Directed by John Pasquin. Starring Sandra Bullock, Regina King, Enrique Murciano, William Shatner, and Ernie Hudson.

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