Power Rangers Dino Charge
Debut: February 07, 2015
Ended: December 10, 2016

65,000,000 years ago, a dinosauroid-like alien named Keeper was pursued through the galaxy by Sledge, an intergalactic bounty hunter bent on acquiring ten magical stones called the Energems in Keeper's care and using them to conquer the universe. Keeper crash landed on prehistoric Earth, entrusting the gems to a group of dinosaurs for safekeeping and crippled Sledge's ship with a bomb that left the bounty hunter stranded in deep space. Unfortunately, Sledge's collection of asteroids held in a tractor beam accidentally rained down on prehistoric Earth and ultimately caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. In the present day, Keeper is found by archaeologist Kendall Morgan and they set up a base under the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum in the city of Amber Beach. They begin a mission to find the Energems, but five have already been found by teenagers, who use them to morph into the Dino Charge Power Rangers. The group consists of the Red Ranger, Tyler Navarro, the adventurous leader of the group who is searching for his father who disappeared 10 years ago on an archaeological dig; the Pink Ranger, Shelby Watkins, a waitress with a vast knowledge

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