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Quote O' Matic
Reindeer Captain:"[In Santa's City, the elf driver stops the carriage, with now-true-believers Princesses Crystal & Lucinda, their seal Pup, and Max Elfman & his Flying Pig, for reindeer crossing. Nine of the elves, walking along the right side of the carriage, stop in the process.]"
"♪I don't know, but I've been told!"
Reindeer Captain:"♪So kick those hooves and life 'em high!"
Reindeer:"come Christmastime, we'll learn to fly♪"
Reindeer Captain:"Left, Left! Left, right, left! Left, left!"
"[like the three elves waving from the right and the two of them from the left side, Crystal & Lucinda waves at them in the carriage.]"