Licorice Rope:"Aw, not this guy. No one asked for an encore, asshole!"
Frank:"No, no! Don't worry, I got it this time. This time it's gonna be good... Look, I'm sorry. I wasn't respectful of your beliefs and I acted like I know all the answers. But I don't. Nobody knows everything. But what I do know is that together, we can fight these monsters and take control of our own lives!"
Brenda:"Yes! Our lives and our bodies!"
Frank:"We need to unite and stop focusing on each other's differences. Especially in immature and outdated ways. We have to cooperate and... [notices the drugged shopper screaming]"
Female Shopper #2:"DIE! [slaps a piece of pizza and smashes it against the window]"
Frank:"Oh, no! Pizza! [Frank, Brenda, Barry and the others looked the drugged shoppers]"
Alex:"[seeing all the food is alive] The food's fucking possessed!"
Sandwich:"Oh shit! [Alex takes a sandwich and eats it]"
Toilet Paper:"We're all gonna die!"
Tickilish Licorice:"Oh God! Oh..."
Male Shopper #2:"IT'S DEVIL FOOD! [rips the Tickilish Licorice]"
Apple:"OH MY GOD!"
Mariachi Salsa:"[running away] The sausage - he was right! They're EVIL!"