Principal Prickly:"How do I know him? We attended teacher training together."
TJ:"You mean?"
Principal Prickly:"That's right, Detweiler, that man is a rogue teacher. [flashback] It was the spring of '68, it was different times back then, all of us young, idealistic, ready to change the world."
Mrs. Finster:"Peace Peter!"
Principal Prickly:"Hey Murial, had a groovy time at the Dead festival last night."
Mrs. Finster:"You gonna be at the teach in, Saturday? We're gonna paint my Volkswagen!"
Principal Prickly:"Wouldn't miss it for the world!"
Principal Prickly [in voice over]:"Yes, we all thought we were pretty cool back then, but there was one guy who was the coolest of us all. Philliam Benedict was my best friend, and he had just been named Principal of 3rd Street School."