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Quote O' Matic
Karen:"(enters the room with the satellite blueprints and meets Carla and Rita sitting on the couch) As we've all learned: In the future, most of our universe will be destroyed by an intergalactic war. This war was brought on in part by the discovery of our planet by the Orion deep space satellite. The satellite created by the man I'm married to. This cannot happen."
Rita:"We have the plans now. This terrible tragedy can be avoided."
Carla:"Our way of life will go on. Without war, without destruction."
Karen:"We have the plans, and that will stop the development of the satellite for now, but what of the future? Max will continue his development, and who knows how long it will be before he achieves success?"
Carla:"What's the answer?"
Rita:"We must kill Max. That's the only way to protect our world."
Karen:"Unfortunate, but true. He cannot be allowed to continue his work on the satellite."
Carla:"Is it really necessary to kill him? Is there no other way?"
Rita:"No! He must die."
Karen:"What if...we take him with us? That would stop the development of the satellite without any bloodshed."
Carla:"Excellent idea! But...can we get away with it?"
Karen:"I believe it's possible; tricky, but we could do it."
Rita:"Then all we have to do is wait for him to come home."
Karen:"Agreed. And in the meantime, let's show Carla what we've learned about the human form while we've been on the planet."
Rita:"You mean...?"
Karen:"Yes; with the human body, we can experience the sensation of touching each other. It's very enlightening."
Carla:"Show me. (Rita and Carla stare at each other with excitement. Karen walks over to a sofa, sits down and watches the performance of an erotic human ritual. Carla and Rita begin seducing each other)"