Xerus's Avatar
5 Posts
10 years, 3 months ago
Hi. For a couple of years, I've been making my own original webcomics that were inspired by the good old days of Saturday Morning variety shows like Rocky and Bullwinkle, The CB Bears, The Cattanooga Cats, Saturday Supercade, and the Comic Strip. http://www.therebusquestwebsite.com/
My main cartoon is called Rebusquest. A funny and educational cartoon about a boy named Carson who gets pulled into a magic land where rebus puzzles are a way of life. With the help from a teenage elf girl named Reba, the duo have to travel the many strange lands of Rebusquest meeting funny creatures and gathering objects that'll form rebuses which Carson has to solve every day, hoping they'll find that special rebus that'll send him home someday.
My second cartoon is called X.O. Seal, who is a cyborg seal from the future who fights crime and lives with a teenage girl named Violet who constantly has to hide X.O. from her vigilante hating police inspector father.
And my third cartoon is Skelroy and Bonus. A crazy series about two skeletons who always injure themselves doing crazy motorcycle stunts, then give safety tips on not doing the dangerous stuff they just did.
I hope you like the webcomics on my site and if you do, please let me know. I do miss the days of Saturday morning variety shows, and I wanted to bring that feeling back in people's lives.
    stake_n_sheak's Avatar
    1891 Posts
    10 years, 3 months ago
    Pretty creative, keep it up!
    Mrs. stake you say some nasty on my threads. Dirty bitch
      Xerus's Avatar
      5 Posts
      10 years, 3 months ago
      Thank you. I love my creations and stories. It's a way of making the Saturday Morning I always dreamed of.
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