1 Posts
2 years, 11 months ago
There is a show I watched when I was young that I remember very, very little of, so i'm afraid I don't have much information.

If I remember correctly it starred a teen boy who fought creatures who came through to this world from another, I can't remember if the other world was a video game or not. I think he had a little sister as well.
I remember a scene took place in a fair where one of these creatures was loose. and I half way remember his sister was in danger at the fair because of the creature.
I remember the show was live action but the creatures were this horrifyingly bad cgi.
it aired on British tv somewhere around late 90s to 2000s

As I said I remember very little, but the fair scene with the tiny rollercoaster you only see at fairs stuck with me.
I also think there was something to do with electricity in there.
It felt like a show somewhere between animorphs and primeval.

Any help is appreciated though I know its a long shot since I remember so little. Thank you.
    2 years, 10 months ago
    Being a 90s kid must have sucked lol
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