43 Posts
4 years, 1 month ago
I remember when I was a kid this one commercial.

It starts out with a person like climbing up on a bathtub and he ends up slipping and falling in the bathtub in slow motion. Then in the next scene, a woman is standing on a stool trying to get something from the cabinet and she ends up toppling with stool and falling down and it fades to black with a message saying, always use a stepladder for reaching things (something like that). Then the last scene I remember was a person about to go downstairs and he like trips on some grapes and ends up falling down the stairs, and then it fades to black with a message about safety tips help save lives. It had the eerie fast 4/4 booming timpani music. Does anyone remember this ad? I remember seeing it on AFN. answers will be appreciated.
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