5 Posts
1 year, 6 months ago
All I can remember is that the bad guy does a double leg slap( kind of like a double palm slap) to the temple and kills the main character's either brother or friend at the beginning of the movie. I remember seeing it in the 90s. it was like a kickboxer clone ( I know there were so many lol)
    5 Posts
    1 year, 6 months ago
    Ok guys I found it The King of The KickBoxer was the B movie I was looking for as a kid I watched it and was like OMG a double kick to the temple 😂😂😂😂😂😂
      685 Posts
      1 year, 2 months ago
      Ok guys I found it The King of The KickBoxer was the B movie I was looking for as a kid I watched it and was like OMG a double kick to the temple 😂😂😂😂😂😂

      There was also an episode of WMAC Masters where there was a really dumb manufactured conflict between 2 of the fighters (It's been 20 or so years, lemme see...I think it was Great Wolf and Tiger Claw) who were practicing together in a flashback, and Tiger Claw showed Great Wolf this REALLY impractical aerial kick that involved you jumping straight up, extending both legs and clapping your feet together on the opponent's skull. After they both agree it's a really cool move, they both agree to never show it off. In this ep. Great Wolf uses it in a sparring match, and the dude who got hit (Tsunami, I think) with it goes gaga for it, telling the other masters about this "cool new move" he got hit with. This gets the attention of Tiger Claw, who gets up in Great Wolf's face about their secret move, creating drama that takes the show's half-hour to resolve.
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