8 Posts
26 days, 18 hours ago
So long, Orenthal Simpson - the former NFL player ('69-'79) [July 9, 1947 - April 10, 2024].
    funguy10's Avatar
    954 Posts
    24 days, 20 hours ago
    So long, Orenthal Simpson - the former NFL player ('69-'79) [July 9, 1947 - April 10, 2024].

    His slow-speed chase would lead to one of the greatest cinema parody scenes of all time.
      MaxZorin1980's Avatar
      24 days, 3 hours ago
      I was too young to have seen him play football but I saw all the Naked Gun movies in the theaters and I was shocked when things went crazy in '94 only a couple of months after I'd gone to see the third Naked Gun movie.
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