Remote Control
Debut: December 07, 1987
Ended: December 13, 1990

Remote Control was a game show about television and aired on MTV. Many of the questions revolved around old television shows. Segments include "Sing Along With Colin," where contestants were charged with identifying and/or finishing songs sung by Colin Quinn, "Beat the Clock" where contestants had to correctly answer a question before a costumed character makes it around the studio, and "Penalty" where a contestant must endure a schoolyard type torture. The first round ended with a "Snack Break" where contestants must catch snacks in unusual ways. Contestants who were eliminated went "Off the Air" and faced a humiliating exit.

Contestant choosing a channel.: "I choose Sing Along with Colin, Ken!"
Announcer Colin Quinn: "[show intro] It's his basement, it's his rules, it's his game show. The quizmaster of 72 Whooping Cough Lane, Ken Ober!"
Audience (as Guest is yanked off the air): "Na Na, Hey Hey, Kiss Him Goodbye!"
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