Disney's Golden Anniversary of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Release: January 01, 1987

The Evil Queen puts a curse on Grumpy and the other dwarves to retire now that they're 50, but host Dick Van Dyke foils the plot by showing them how much fun they had in "Snow White", featuring footage from the movie and topping it off with Linda Ronstadt singing "Someday My Prince Will Come". Also starring Jane Curtin and Sherman Hemsley. A great special for Snow White fans of all ages!

Dick: "Look, what would 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' be without the dwarves?"
Grumpy: "Well, it'd be a shorter title, for one 'dern thing!"
Grumpy: "You're not gonna see *me* in this film anymore!"
Dick Van Dyke: "What?!"
Grumpy: "I've just been struck with a sudden urge to retire!"
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