Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toymaker
Release: November 07, 1991

In this horror film, malicious toymaker Joe Petto (Mickey Rooney) and his creepy son, Pino (Brian Bremer), terrorize the residents of a small town with the deadly toys they create. After her husband is killed by one of Petto's toys, Sarah (Jane Higginson) and her troubled son Derek (William Thorne) set out to stop the evil toymaker. — Iotis Erlewine William Thorne - Derek Quinn Jane Higginson - Sarah Quinn Brian Bremer - Pino Mickey Rooney - Joe Petto Eric Welch - Buck Amy L. Taylor - Merideth Conan Yuzna - Lonnie Richard N. Gladstein - Driver Dad Gary Schmoeller - Stroller #2 Tracy Fraim - Noah Adams Clint Howard - Ricky Gerry Black - Harold Thornton Simmons - Other Santa Van Quattro - Tom Quinn Neith Hunter - Kim Billy Oscar - Dad

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