Ferris Bueller
Debut: January 01, 1990
Ended: January 01, 1991

This series was based on the hit 1986 movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, starring Matthew Broderick. However, the series wasn't treated as a continuation of the film. In fact, the movie was referenced in the first episode when Ferris implied that he wasn't too thrilled with the choice of Broderick to portray him. The show starred Charlie Schlatter as Ferris, and an unknown Jennifer Aniston as Ferris' sister, Jeanie. Ferris Bueller hit the airwaves on NBC at the same time FOX's Parker Lewis Can't Lose did. The two series had incredible similarities, and episode titles like 'Ferris Bueller Can't Win' referenced this rivalry. But in the end, Ferris Bueller lost the battle and was cancelled after one season.

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