Release: May 24, 1991

As a child, Brian McCaffrey watched his firefighter father die. Years later, he joins his brother, Stephen in the force by becoming a rookie firefighter. There is a history of conflict between the two brothers that is heated up by working together. With this background, a series of suspicious fires are set, each made to kill a specific person. After becoming frightened at a fire, Brian pulls strings to get into an investigative office and finds that he is now not putting out the arsonist's fires, but trying to track him down.

Ronald Bartel: "Wrong question. Who isn't? It's not a spark because there's not enough damage. He wouldn't have had any fun. It's not an insurance scam because there isn't any profit."
Brian McCaffrey: "Do you know who's doing this?"
Ronald Bartel: "Yes."
Brian McCaffrey: "Then tell me."
Ronald: "You want to know who? I want to know if this kid really wanted to be just like his dad."
Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: "I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him more than anything else in the world."
Ronald: "And you loved him?"
Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: "Yeah."
Ronald: "And you watched him dance with the animal. You saw your dad burn."
Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: "F@#* you Ronald. Who's doing this, huh?"
Ronald: "Did it look at you? Did the fire look at you? It did. Whoa. Wow. Our worlds aren't that far apart after all, are they? So, whoever is doing this knows the animal well, doesn't he? He knows him real well, but he won't let him loose. He won't let him have any fun, so he does not love him. Now who doesn't love fire? And is around trychtichlorate all day long?"
Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: "[realizes who it might be] Oh my God!"
Ronald: "[laughs] See... that wasn't such a long trip after all."
Dennis "Dad" McCaffrey: "Hold on Adcox. Is that a gas line?"
Brian McCaffrey: "You see that glow flashing in the corner of your eye? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear. -Brian McCaffrey"
Ronald: "The funny thing about firemen is... Night and day they are always firemen. -Ronald"
Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: "These detectives would like to question you on how come you paid Donald Cosgrove, Jeffrey Holcum and Allan Seagrave to create a phony manpower study! Ask him who made money off firemen dying! -Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale"
John "Axe" Adcox: "Your Dad died saving my life and these people were killing firemen for MONEY! -John "Axe" Adcox"
Lt. Stephen McCaffrey: "You go. We go -Lt. Stephen McCaffrey"
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