The Cat in The Hat
Release: November 21, 2003

Troublemaker Conrad and control freak Sally live with their mother Joan in a house in Anville. Joan works for neat-freak Hank Humberfloob at his real-estate company and she is invited to host a party at her house. Her boyfriend Larry Quinn wants to ship Conrad to a military school. One day, she leaves for work and Conrad and Sally then meet up with a strange cat, who tries to teach them the proper way to have fun.

YouTube Videos
Cat: "You see, this is what happens when you mix your world and my world, and when you eat shellfish."
Added By: funguy10
Thing 1: "Let's go, Chocolate Thun-da!"
Added By: funguy10
Joan: "Sorry, officer. Was I speeding?"
Thing 1: "Mekka dekka license. Appa registration. Mekka dekka, you're one hot momma."
Added By: funguy10
Fish: "Oh my Cod."
Added By: funguy10
Mrs. Kwan: "Ms. Walden, back so soon? The children were angels!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Added By: rgman1995swell
Cat: "OH YEAH!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Sally: "Cat, your tail."
Cat: "What about it? Oh, I see. I've chopped it off. Well that's just fine because, SON OF A BI--(bleep)!"
Added By: funguy10
Cat: "Welcome to "Astounding Products". I'm your host, the Guy in the Sweater who Asks all the Obvious Questions."
Added By: funguy10
Fish: "This is where they buried my brother!"
Added By: funguy10
Cat: "Humina humina humina! Who's this pretty lady(hat extends up)"
Conrad: "That's our mom."
Cat: "(hat falls down)Oh... Awkward."
Added By: funguy10
Conrad & Sally: "Cat! That's--Mom's dress!!!"
Sally: "She was going to wear that to the party tonight and now you've ruined it!"
Cat: "Honey, it was ruined when she bought it!"
Added By: funguy10
The Fish: "[during "The 'FUN' Song"] This cat is currently in violation of… (counts fastly) 17 of your mother's rules!"
The Cat: "(answering phone) City morgue."
Fish: "18!"
Cat: "(Hangs up; Laughs)"
Added By: funguy10
Fish: "This cat should not be here! He should not be about! He should not be here when your mother is out!"
Added By: funguy10
Cat: "(to a garden hoe)Dirty hoe! I'm sorry babe, I still love you."
Added By: funguy10
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