Blood and Concrete
Release: January 01, 1990

Billy Zane stars in this direct-to-video gem as a spectacularly unsuccessful car thief. Hoping to reform by leaving LA, Zane must scare up $400 worth of exit money. He decides to pull off one last job, stealing a TV from William Bastiani. An ill-tempered criminal, Bastiani stabs Zane, who then runs off blindly into a cemetary ("Blood" and "Concrete": get it?) Weaving around the tombstones, Zane makes the acquaintance of would-be suicide Jennifer Beals. Love blooms, but it might be too late for both of them: Bastiani is found murdered, and Zane is suspect number one-forcing him to hide out from both the cops and the mob. Luxuriating in its tawdriness and cheapness, Blood & Concrete: A Love Story actually has an offbeat charm all its own. — Hal Erickson Billy Zane - Joey Turks Jennifer Beals - Mona James LeGros - Lance Darren McGavin - Hank Dick Nicholas Worth - Spunz Mark Pellegrino - Bart Harry Shearer - Sammy Bill Bastiani - Mort Tracey Coley - Ack Pat Cupo - Stone Patrick O'Bryan - Barton Steven Brenner - Mona's Band Member Andy Prieboy - Mona's Band Member Steve Freedman - Lounge Lizard Lyvingston Holmes - Thelma Das Klown - Lance's Band Member Eric Helms - Lance's Band Member Dorian MacDougall - Mona's Band Member Robert Lundstrom - Lance's Band Member Lantz Krantz - Lance's Band Member Ellen Albertini Dow - Old Lady

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