Bill Moyers Journal (2007-2010)
Debut: April 25, 2007
Ended: April 01, 2010

For the second time, Bill Moyers Journal returned to television on April 25, 2007.[2][3] The debut episode was "Buying The War",[4] which demonstrated how the commercial U.S. media served as an unwitting partner to the Bush administration in convincing the American people that the Iraq War was legitimate and necessary.[5] On November 20, 2009, Moyers announced that he would retire from the Journal effective April 30, 2010.[6] The April 30, 2010, 90-minute special series finale reported on Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and featured an interview with community organizer Jim Hightower. Moyers concluded with an interview with writer Barry Lopez and a personal reflection on his relationship to journalism.[7]

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