The Flintstones Comedy Hour was an hour-long Saturday morning cartoon anthology series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1972 for CBS. The show's segments included the second season of The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show, as well as segments with Fred and Barney and song segments, performed by Pebbles, Bamm-Bamm and Moonrock with a band called "The Bedrock Rockers". The show also featured Bad Luck Schleprock, Wiggy, Penny, and the Bronto Bunch (Bronto, Noodles, Zonk) from The Pebbles and Bamm Bamm Show.
CBS reran The Flintstones Comedy Hour for the 1973-74 television season, shortening it to a half-hour and calling it The Flintstone Comedy Show. The program has continued to air in rebroadcasts on USA Networks cartoon express, and later Cartoon Network and Boomerang under that title.