Million Dollar Money Drop
Debut: January 01, 2010
Ended: January 01, 2011

Million Dollar Money Drop was an American game show which aired on Fox in the United States and Canada. It is based on the UK flagship series The Million Pound Drop Live (now The £100K Drop), but featured an entirely different game format and its show's set (blue as opposed to red, and a different music theme). The series is hosted by Kevin Pollak. A team of two people with a pre-existing relationship was presented with US$1 million in $20 bills, banded in 50 bundles of $20,000 each.[5] Teams are presented with seven general knowledge multiple-choice questions during the course of the game; the first three questions have four answers, while the next three questions have three answers, and a seventh and final question have two. The contestants choose one of two categories at the beginning of each round. Each answer option corresponds to a different trapdoor or "drop"; only one answer is correct. The contestants have a fixed amount of time to distribute all the money among the drops as they see fit; however, they were required to leave at least one drop "clear", meaning that no money may be allocated on at least one answer. Teams are required to place any remaining money bundles onto the drops, as bundles that are not placed on a drop when time runs out are forfeited. The timer may be stopped early by the teams if they are satisfied with their choice of answers. After the timer either runs out or is stopped, the drops for the incorrect answers are opened; any money placed on them falls down a chute and is removed from play by security guards beneath the stage, while any money placed on the correct answer is carried forward to the next question. This process is repeated until at any point where the team ran out of money and loses, or after the final question; if they were correct, they win any remaining money retained for its answer. When the seventh question approached, the contest had to risk what was left of the money on an answer.

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