My Bloody Valentine (2009)
Release: February 16, 2009

Tom returns to his hometown on the tenth anniversary of the Valentine's night massacre that claimed the lives of 22 people. Instead of a homecoming, however, Tom finds himself suspected of committing the murders, and it seems like his old flame is the only one will believes he's innocent.

Jason: "What, you think I was Harry Warden or something? Hey, Michael, check this out."
Added By: funguy10
Jason: "Jason, is that you?"
Added By: funguy10
Red: "Well, you know what? You couldn't find your ass with both hands."
Added By: funguy10
Ben Foley: "Damn Harry Warden. Got me aiming at shadows."
Added By: funguy10
Ben Foley: "Eloquent, Sheriff. You make us look like an inbred mining community"
Axel Palmer: "We are an inbred mining community, Ben."
Added By: funguy10
Burke: "Happy fucking Valentine's Day."
Added By: funguy10
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