The Legend of Johnny Lingo
Release: December 31, 2002

When a storm washes a canoe bearing an infant boy ashore upon a small South Pacific island, he is at first well-received as a gift from the heavens, even to the point of the tribal chief adopting him as a successor. starring George Henare, Rawiri Paratene, and Jon Folau... introducing Tausani Simei-Barton and Fokikovi Soakimi. Steven Ramirez directs and edits from the screenplay by Riwia Brown and John Garbett; Based upon the story "Johnny Lingo's Eight Cow Wife" by Patricia McGerr. Produced by Garbett and Gerald R. Molen; Executive Producers: Tim Coddington and Brad Pelo. Music by Kevin Kiner. a Molen/Garbett production, with The Stable Moving Image, for Morinda, Inc. and Tahitian Noni. "Dedicated to all the Johnny Lingos in our lives". Limited U.S. release: August 29, 2003 • Limited N.Z. release: June 9, 2004.

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