One Piece: Episode of Nami: Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Friends
Release: August 25, 2012

An abridged remake of the Arlong Park story arc: Some time after joining the Straw Hats, Nami steals the Going Merry and returns to her home in Cocoyashi Village, which in control of the Arlong Pirates. When Usopp finds Nami, Arlong orders her to kill him and she injures herself faking his death. Once the Straw Hats regroup Nami's sister Nojiko, aware of the bond they had, explains that when Arlong took control of the village he murdered Nami's mother held Cocoyashi's citizens as ransom to exploit Nami's exceptional cartography talent. After Arlong informs Nezumi, a bribed Marine, of where Nami's earnings are hidden, the village riots against Arlong despite poor odds. After Nami tearfully asks Luffy for help, he and the remaining Straw Hats free the village by fighting and defeating the Arlong Pirates. After a days-long celebration, Nami re-joins the Straw Hat crew.

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