"Meet Blue's Baby Brother" (2.1 [8/6/06]): Opening and First Shot (the special's own 11/14/06 DVD)
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"Meet Blue's Baby Brother" (2.1 [8/6/06]): Opening and First Shot (the spec...
English intro
Quote O' Matic
Agonysia/Derridommis/Mortmottimes:"♪We're the Terribly Deep Thinkers
We're walking almanacs
Our bones are old and brittle
but Our mind are sharp are tacks♪"
Agony:"♪We're overeducated"
Derri:"We're snooty brainiacs"
TDTs:"We possess an excess
of many useless fa-aaa-aaa-acts♪"
"♪We're the Terribly Deep Thinkers"
Derri:"Our thoughts are very deep"
Mortmott:"We are birds whose big words"
TDTs:"Put lesser minds to sleep♪"
"♪But among intelligentsia
We're known as mental giants
and This is why when we di-iii-iii-ie"