I've been noticing certain elements in my work that for some reason look a little too noticeable to some. For some reason even when I'm trying to create a new character it appears that they have some resemblance to a character that I may or may not know. Whith the charcters that I have now they carry that resemblance for a specific reason. But on my deviantart account sombody pointed that out to me several times a while back that the rabbit that I draw carried a resmblance to bugs bunny. I never even looked at it that way until sombody started to mention it....And that's been happening a lot lately in terms of trying to create a new character and for the most part they don't appear to look like a character that I've seen before but somebody might point it out. I don't know if it's something I should worry about. Advice would be helpful for me in terms of what I should do in this situatuion. To prove my point look in this pic and tell me if you can see a resemblance in any of these characters..based upon any cartoon characters you might know. And if so tell me if it's too noticable.
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