Volume 133 i think, the Excitebike 64 volume. I wanted the game, and im like, mom, take me to walmart lol. She says "No, you cant buy it till u get a job! (even though i had hundreds in the bank saved up so far)
So i said "FINE mom, ill just send in this card and win it, eat crap!"
So for once, i actually sent in the card.
a month later, after nearly forgetting about the game, im walkin out of the house on the way to track practice, and check the mail. A letter from nintendo. hmmm.. cool. whatever....
got in the car, mom starts it.... so i open the letter.
"We're pleased to inform u that you've been selected as a second prize winner in the Volume 133 player's pulse contest!! You will recieve:
One Excitebike 64 Video game cartridge
One Excitebike 64 jersey"
i was like. :shock: "HOLY S#$@"
*smack* as my mom nails me aside the head with the back of her hand.
then I told her off, made fun of her since i said i'd get the game ahhahhahaha.