rirotostichi's Avatar
1841 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
with Christmas around the corner, I would like to ask you:

What videogames do you remember getting for Christmas every past Christmas you remember getting videogames for?

Here is my list:


Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament (MegaDrive)


Panzer Dragoon (Saturn)


Mortal Kombat 2 (Saturn)


Pandemonium! (Saturn)
BLAM! Machinehead (Saturn)
Pinball (LCD handheld)


Game Boy Camera (GameBoy)
Bust A Move 3 (Game Boy)


Worms Armageddon (Dreamcast)
Pocket Tennis (Neo Geo Pocket)
Mickey Mouse Legend of Illusion (Game Gear)
Monopoly (LCD handheld)


Pocket Reversi (Neo Geo Pocket)
Puzzle Link 2 (Neo Geo Pocket)
Sport Trout Fishin' (LCD handheld)


Wetrix+ (Dreamcast)
Fur Fighters (Dreamcast)
Donald Duck: Quack Attack (Playstation 2)
CJ Elephant Fugitive (Game Gear)
Taz 2: Escape from Mars (Game Gear)


Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions (Xbox)
Project Gotham Racing (Xbox)
Final Fantasy 6 (Playstation)
Stuart Little 2 (Game Boy Advance)


Pokémon pinball: Ruby and Sapphire (Game Boy Advance)
Scrabble (Playstation 2)
Tony Hawk's Underground (Playstation 2)
Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox)


Madden NFL 205 (DS)
Pokémon Dash (DS)
Pokémon Emerald Version (Game Boy Advance)
Pocket Kingdom: Own the world (N-Gage)


Project Gotham Racing 3 (Xbox 360)
Eyetoy Play 3 (Playstation 2)
Shrek Superslam (DS)
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (DS)

This year (Christmas 2006) , I hope to get:

Happy Feet (Wii)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (DS)
    adventure_of_link's Avatar
    18 years, 1 month ago
    I can't remember THAT far back.. but I'll try...

    1991: Super Mario World, SNES :D

    1995: Illusion of Gaia

    1996: Super Mario RPG, Zoop

    1997: Mischief Makers

    1998: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Aero the Acrobat II

    1999: Pokemon Snap (that was a VERY pokemon themed year, if I don't mind saying)

    2000: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Pokemon Silver, Gameboy Camera

    2001: Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix

    2002: Final Fantasy X, Need for Speed: Hot pursuit II, Mat Hoffman 2, PS2 :D

    2003: Got my first "official" computer, and if there was ANY games that came with it, those would be the standard games you get with any windows install, as well as crapware I ended up uninstalling later

    2004: Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22, Dragonball GT: Final Bout

    2006 (I already got $100 of my $250, boat you): Final Fantasy XII, and MAYBE Bully
      darthmunk's Avatar
      3361 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      Games I remember getting for Christmas when they were new:
      Battletoads: Battlemania (snes)
      Donkey Kong 3 (snes)
      Mario All Stars (snes)
      Spyro (PSX)
      LOTR 3 (Xbox)
      SSX 3 (Xbox)
      KOTOR 2 (Xbox)
      Halo (Xbox)
      Prince Of Persia (Xbox)
        ducktalesfan1977's Avatar
        18 years, 1 month ago
        I mostly got Atari and NES games for Christmas.

        I got the original SMB game for Christmas.
        I got a bunch of crappy games for the Atari 2600 for Christmas (ET and Custer's Revenge anyone), thanks a lot dad!
          79987 Posts
          18 years, 1 month ago
          I mostly got Atari and NES games for Christmas.

          I got the original SMB game for Christmas.
          I got a bunch of crappy games for the Atari 2600 for Christmas (ET and Custer's Revenge anyone), thanks a lot dad!

          Your dad gave you Custer's revenge? :lol:
            140 Posts
            18 years, 1 month ago
            Not so sure, but here goes....

            1995: Super Mario Bros and Iron Tank for NES

            1997: Lylat Wars for N64

            2004: Final Fantasy VII for PS

            2005: Starfox Adventures for GC
              2623 Posts
              18 years, 1 month ago
              i don't remember specific years but I know as a kid, for my normal nintendo I got
              Dig Dug 2
              Dr Mario
              Super mario 2 and 3
              31 in 1
              double dragon 2
              super C
              that's all I can remember

              for super nintendo
              Donky kong contry
              killer instinct
              dr mario/tetris
              NHL 92-92-94
              some babeball game where you had superpowers
              that's all I can remember.

              then i never got another system until PS2
              smackdown, just bring it , know your role, here comes the pain, vs raw, vs raw 06
              tony hawk 4
              liesure suit larry
              evil dead.
                556 Posts
                18 years, 1 month ago
                I don't remember each and every one, but one year I unwrapped Starfox 64 and I thought "wait a minute if I got this then that must mean" and then I rushed to look for the biggest present under the tree for me and found my Nintendo 64
                  santuel's Avatar
                  483 Posts
                  18 years, 1 month ago
                  I don't remember each and every one, but one year I unwrapped Starfox 64 and I thought "wait a minute if I got this then that must mean" and then I rushed to look for the biggest present under the tree for me and found my Nintendo 64

                  I had a moment like that with mine, but replace Starfox with Mischief Makers, and that kiddies, is why you always open the small presents first.

                    2623 Posts
                    18 years, 1 month ago
                    i always opened my presents last cause I enjoyed seeing people smile when they open there's then i would open mine in my room then bring them down and show everyone. back on topic. i just remembered i got a small version of the arcade game pacman for x-mas one year

                      714 Posts
                      18 years, 1 month ago
                      I remember getting Super Mario Kart for SNES from my Nanna one year. It's funny because when I opened the box, there was no game in there so we had to go back to the shop on Boxing Day to get the game. It makes me wonder, you know how they store the games in a drawer behind the counter?? If she paid for the game they would have gotten the game from inside the drawer, so it makes me wonder if she shoplifted it or not :lol:

                      I hope to get Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii this year :)

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