droptheoxygen's Avatar
18 years ago
i cant remeber what it was called but i remember playing it as a kid and i want to find it now. it was for the SNES. you played as a sort of half monkey half human on prehistoric earth and if you took enough damage you would turn into a normal monkey. it was similar to megaman, in that after the first level you could choose what level you play next, or rather what boss to fight next, just like megaman. the only other thing i can remember about it was that in the first level you fought a T-rex and after you beat him he would pass out and you would go inside him and fight some guy in his stomache. if any one remembers it and can help me with what it was called that would be great.
    556 Posts
    18 years ago
    check vgmuseum.com they might have it there
      48 Posts
      18 years ago
      im not sure but in bonks adventure you could also go inside a trex after the first level. im sure thats not it though since that was tg16.
      Thats how I roll!
        the-micro-man's Avatar
        3492 Posts
        18 years ago
        Bonk's Adventure
          Yammez's Avatar
          63 Posts
          18 years ago
          it's not bonk's adventure, not only was it on tg16, i dont remember any monkeys at all in that game.

          droptheoxygen, is it Joe and Mac? you were a caveman (or 2 players were cavemen) that ran through the level fliging various weapons like bones, boomerangs, or fire at the dino enemies. They weren't monkey men though. I definitely remember a trex boss on the first level, though i don't think you fought inside one of the boss dinosaurs stomachs until a later boss. the level select style was that of mario 3 or mario world though, not like megaman.

          perhaps this is not the game you're thinking of, though maybe it will help you remember.
            Lobotomaxx's Avatar
            86 Posts
            18 years ago
              droptheoxygen's Avatar
              18 years ago
              yeah, it was congo's caper. thanks!
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