After the Gamecube, I have lost my faith in Nintendo. Even with the Wii there are horror stories of people accidentally launching their controlers into the tv set during their full motion games. I'm not certain either that Wii will have a competitive amount of games this next 5 year revolution. I'm afraid I am going to have to stick with Sony.
You stick with Sony then and get ripped off. What you can find on PS3 you can find even better on Xbox 360. Sony do not have enough 1st party games (the only ones are really Jack & Daxter, and Ratchet & Clank), and are supported too much by 3rd parties. It's mostly EA Games that are keeping them afloat, and if Microsoft or Nintendo were to buy EA, then it would be R.I.P Sony.
Also, Wii will have competitive games, more than Sony anyway, Sony struggle to make many 1st party games.