Nostalgiascape's Avatar
18 years ago
After the Gamecube, I have lost my faith in Nintendo. Even with the Wii there are horror stories of people accidentally launching their controlers into the tv set during their full motion games. I'm not certain either that Wii will have a competitive amount of games this next 5 year revolution. I'm afraid I am going to have to stick with Sony.
    regular_joe's Avatar
    728 Posts
    18 years ago
    When used properly, you wont be throwing your controlers at the wall or tv. Nintendo makes a wrist strap, that connects the controler that will prevent it from flying.

    " The last man nearly ruined this place/He didn't know what to do with it/If you think this countrys bad off now just what till I get through with it":D
      79987 Posts
      18 years ago
      When used properly, you wont be throwing your controlers at the wall or tv. Nintendo makes a wrist strap, that connects the controler that will prevent it from flying.

      There's been cases that the strap cord has snapped. The cord should actually be made to be much thicker and durable. You know us wacky Americans, gotta over do everything. Gotta actually swing the controller like we're actually bowling or swinging a bat.
        48 Posts
        18 years ago
        nintendo is shipping out new cords for free that wont break.
        also i think a lot of the broken tvs are coming from the "new audience" that nintendo was trying to target or people who are intentionally letting go of there controllers thinking the wrist strap will stop it from soaring.
        I have had a wii since launch and i havent come across one problem yet.
        Thats how I roll!
          79987 Posts
          18 years ago
          nintendo is shipping out new cords for free that wont break.
          also i think a lot of the broken tvs are coming from the "new audience" that nintendo was trying to target or people who are intentionally letting go of there controllers thinking the wrist strap will stop it from soaring.
          I have had a wii since launch and i havent come across one problem yet.

          The strap is a safety net of sorts. Bu I'm waiting until spring to get mine. I heard a rumor that the price will drop to $200 and come out in different colors.
            sikkbones's Avatar
            1262 Posts
            18 years ago
            forget donating to with the Wii you can smash your stuff by yourself.
              714 Posts
              18 years ago
              After the Gamecube, I have lost my faith in Nintendo. Even with the Wii there are horror stories of people accidentally launching their controlers into the tv set during their full motion games. I'm not certain either that Wii will have a competitive amount of games this next 5 year revolution. I'm afraid I am going to have to stick with Sony.

              You stick with Sony then and get ripped off. What you can find on PS3 you can find even better on Xbox 360. Sony do not have enough 1st party games (the only ones are really Jack & Daxter, and Ratchet & Clank), and are supported too much by 3rd parties. It's mostly EA Games that are keeping them afloat, and if Microsoft or Nintendo were to buy EA, then it would be R.I.P Sony.
              Also, Wii will have competitive games, more than Sony anyway, Sony struggle to make many 1st party games.

                adventure_of_link's Avatar
                18 years ago
                Sony do not have enough 1st party games (the only ones are really Jack & Daxter, and Ratchet & Clank), and are supported too much by 3rd parties. It's mostly EA Games that are keeping them afloat, and if Microsoft or Nintendo were to buy EA, then it would be R.I.P Sony.
                Also, Wii will have competitive games, more than Sony anyway, Sony struggle to make many 1st party games.

                Ain't this the truth, even from day one :roll:
                  714 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  If there was no EA or Rockstar games, Sony wouldnt be making video game consoles. The thing is, Sony have sold off too many of their 1st party characters and games (e.g Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, GTA series, etc.) leaving them with 90% 3rd party games to support them.

                    rirotostichi's Avatar
                    1841 Posts
                    18 years ago

                    You are so ******ed!
                      shiroihikari's Avatar
                      1751 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      Dude, Wii is the only console I can't wait to get my hands on. So there were some controller issues. Big frigging deal; they're going to fix it. It could have been much, much worse. Doesn't anybody remember the first wave of PS2s and those damned disc read errors?

                      As for Sony...they can rot, for all I care. I wouldn't shell out 500 bucks for the PS3 even if I did have the money to spare.
                      Coming Soon to Nostalgia Junkie: Nostalgiathon 2009!
                        sikkbones's Avatar
                        1262 Posts
                        18 years ago
                        If there was no EA or Rockstar games, Sony wouldnt be making video game consoles. The thing is, Sony have sold off too many of their 1st party characters and games (e.g Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, GTA series, etc.) leaving them with 90% 3rd party games to support them.


                        if there was no square enix games sony would be out of buissness, not rockstar or EA.
                          172 Posts
                          18 years ago
                          I see a huge difference between the GameCube and the Wii. The GameCube like the PS2 and X-Box struggled to find their identity. But the Wii has a definite identity and direction. So far it's the number one console with Sony's it will be popular next centuary console straggling in 3rd place.
                            714 Posts
                            18 years ago
                            I'm posting this message through my wii right now, can you do that on ps3?

                              172 Posts
                              18 years ago
                              Microsoft said it best when they said that computers are best for media and internet browsing. Consoles don't really need web browsing except for online games. Of course it was pretty neat to log onto the actual internet through my Dreamcast back in the day.
                                mr-funky's Avatar
                                1620 Posts
                                18 years ago
                                i don't really think you'll get ripped off with sony...

                                not trying to bash on anyone or point fingers but, you guys are making quick/early judgements on 360 and PS3 although i'm not saying thats a bad thing or for nintendo
                                I would really love to see nintendo get back on top as before though, but i don't wanna be too confident, things can happen.

                                "Overconfidence is the greatest enemy!"

                                as for the wrist straps breaking, since their recalling the the straps, they should have the controllers filled with bouncy rubber so if it still breaks, the controller would just bounce back to ya!!
                                  the-micro-man's Avatar
                                  3492 Posts
                                  18 years ago
                                  Nah, I think Nintendo will be making a comeback with the Wii. :)
                                    714 Posts
                                    18 years ago
                                    They sure will. Wii has plenty more to offer than the others. Especially with their internet channel which I'm using right now.

                                      172 Posts
                                      18 years ago
                                      Nintendo isn't trying to make a come back. They're trying to save the entire video game industry since it's their bread & butter and Nintendo predicts the industry is going to crash.
                                        Larivee's Avatar
                                        323 Posts
                                        18 years ago
                                        I dunno Wii just seams to me like a new dreamcast.... either way I am a dedicated 3rd Generation gamer and will always be a 3rd generation gamer
                                        " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
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