I remember playing a demo for the game Intellegent Cube on one of the sampler discs that came with Playstations. I don't remember the exact point of the game, but I remember spending hours with my friends just playing the demo. I never heard of the full game coming out and I was wondering if anyone knows much about the game and if it ever came out.
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I remember playing a demo for the game Intellegent Cube on one of the sampler discs that came with Playstations. I don't remember the exact point of the game, but I remember spending hours with my friends just playing the demo. I never heard of the full game coming out and I was wondering if anyone knows much about the game and if it ever came out.
Ha ha, I remember that game, and thinking it to be very odd but also very original. I could never get very far in it. I love how the playstation had so many neat little games that never got a lot of attention.
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Ha ha, I remember that game, and thinking it to be very odd but also very original. I could never get very far in it. I love how the playstation had so many neat little games that never got a lot of attention.
i played the demo as well. very addicting little game for what you could get out of the demo. i'd love to get the game if i could find it anywhere.
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i played the demo as well. very addicting little game for what you could get out of the demo. i'd love to get the game if i could find it anywhere.
Quote O' Matic
Wyatt T. Walker:"So we made the decision based on several things. Fred Shuttlesworth was fearless and courageous to the point of being almost insane; miraculously surviving a bombing of his home. Had taking his wife and two children trying to integrate a school with a mob of five or six hundred folks with chains and stuff like that; just an incredible human being in my view."