RetroGAL's Avatar
181 Posts
17 years, 11 months ago
Hello With Making acount on this great website I rember the great times with my Video Games so I will go first one of my best memories was playing X-men VS. Street Fighter on my Playstaion on those warm summer Saturday nights of 1999 when I was 9 while finishing off A nice Buffy Rerun I would go to the Game TV and enjoy endless fights having fun drinking pop and oking down Popcorn Great Memories. So anyways if you would like to post you fun memories playing you're Video Games.
    41 Posts
    17 years, 11 months ago
    Some of my best memories in life are with my old videos games. Here's only a handful...

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Zelda

    When I was little, running about Hyrule field all care free like. The music in the market place was such a happy tune, and the Lost Woods I found really mysterious and wierd. Also, I have a lot of good memories with the Forest Temple.

    Super Mario 64

    The first time I scaled Bomb-Omb's Mountain was such a good feeling. This was my first 3D game and I'd never experienced anything like it. Sooo many memories with this, but I won't go into them all. ;)


    Excellent music, funny characters and superb levels. Had some good times with this one...

    Pokemon Red

    These were the days... my biggest concern back then was how much battery life I had left. Loved this game so much.

    Super Mario World

    This is the game I grew up with. It's a shame I've run out of writing steam otherwise I'd go on... ;)

    I wish I could go back to those times... :(

    Don't make games like they used to...
      March82GirlTMNT's Avatar
      17 years, 11 months ago
      My favorites:
      Super Mario
      Duck Hunt
      (I used to play both nintendo games with orange/gray gun)

      Anyone remember this?
      [FONT="Times New Roman"]YEE-HAA - BO DUKE![/FONT]

      [FONT="Arial Black"]"Cowabunga, Dude!" ~ MICHAELANGELO[/FONT]

      A true child of the 80's here.:D
        RetroGAL's Avatar
        181 Posts
        17 years, 11 months ago
        Oh yeah the NES ruled all.
          Tomcat13's Avatar
          27 Posts
          17 years, 11 months ago
          NES sucked big time (apart from mario and duck hunt) the mega drive always was, currently is, and always will be, the ultimate retro console, i remember the great days of sonic 2, sonic 3, sonic and knuckles (which you could plug sonic2 and 3 into), teenage mutant hero turtles the hyperstone adventure, and the streets of rage series like it was just yesterday (actually it was yesterday as im one of those lucky people who never sold it to get a dirty playstation)

          just think, the megadrive, with mega cd and 32x that i own, is better than the playstation by far (same power only practically no load times as games were on flash not cd, apart from the megacd games obviously) doom was the obvious comparison, available on ps and md32x, much better for sega

          greatest game ever???? ill give you a hint, check out my user name.....

          thats right, Tomcat Alley for mega CD, that game still beats most games for PC and xbox360
            Old_Fart_ess_'s Avatar
            310 Posts
            17 years, 11 months ago
            1.12 million
            Stage 128
            Galaga upright cab
            Enfield Tenpin Bowling, Sydney Australia

            Bowling was considered a "sport" back then and I opted not to play this day. I did however decide to throw 20 cents into the Galaga. Time went on and I was told we had to leave. I told the teacher to leave me and that I'll call my Mum (I was on a roll - I just couldn't leave). She said okay.

            A couple of hours later I finished and was basking in the limelight of my triumph, and did call my Mum. Angry is not a strong enough word. Teacher was suspended, Mum was pissed but I felt great!

            Playing the cocktail Qix at the local service station. They also had an upright Gyruss that was the shit!!

            Good times.

            Only 1 more level to Uranus!

            edit by mod: double-post, you should've edited this one further -_-"
            F@#kin classy.
              Old_Fart_ess_'s Avatar
              310 Posts
              17 years, 11 months ago
              Playing the cocktail Qix at the local service station. They also had an upright Gyruss that was the shit!!

              Good times.

              Only 1 more level to Uranus!
              F@#kin classy.
                adventure_of_link's Avatar
                17 years, 11 months ago
                The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Zelda

                what no

                there is no such game
                  Dr-_Pink's Avatar
                  119 Posts
                  17 years, 11 months ago
                  Ahh memories. Sweet Sweet Memories.

                  I remember my first encounter with the Zelda Franchise. I was unfortunate not to be there from the beggining but I doubt that makes a difference. It all started back when I bought my first issue of Nintendo Power back in september 1996( I know, I'm a late bloomer) Back in my childhood my mother was incharge of the games and I was along for the ride( Isn't that how we all were?)

                  Well anyways I have only had experience with games like Mario, Sonic and whatever else my father had. Well I hapened upon a game called Ocarina of Time. Something inside of me made me want it. And I'm glad I got it. And since then I have gone off to play every Zelda game( Excluding of coarse the Phillips CD-i games.)

                  Anyways I asked my Grandmother to get it for me for Christmas and when Christmas came my Grandma( Before I opened my gift) said that she was sorry but she couldn't find the game I wanted. But when I opened it there it was. I was soooo happy.

                  My first experience with Final Fantasy was also as of late.( And ironically also during Christmas time) One day I'm over at my cousins house and I see that he's playing a rather interesting game. Unlike anything I have ever seen. It was Final Fantasy 7. It was then that I discoverd true story-telling. I just had to have it but I ddin't have a PS1. But then about a month later my mom got off the phone with my dad and she said that at work( He works at a casino were people sell things) he had bought a used PS1. I instantly asked my mom if I could buy a game for it. I went onto and ordered it for Christmas. It came just in time and I immediately delved into it.
                  Dr. Pink Signing Out
                    V-E-R's Avatar
                    23 Posts
                    17 years, 11 months ago
                    ahh playing pokemon red on my gameboy pocket for hours on end. Everywhere i went that thing went with me.
                      267 Posts
                      17 years, 11 months ago
                      Sonic 1 holds a special place in my heart, not just for the blisteringly fast gameplay but also for the music. Right now I'm listening to a piano rendering of the music in Sonic 1. The pianist is playing the music in the Special Zone slowly enough to tug at my heart in a pang of nostalgia. And Star Light Zone. Oh, it makes me long for the days of when I was 10 and playing it with my cousins on the Sega Genesis. Those songs represented an acquiescence of change with a longing for the old times.

                      Castlevania II for the NES. Friday nights to my fourth-grade self meant racing to the nearest church to refill my life before the clock struck 6PM. "What a horrible night to have a curse," indeed. I will admit that the clues were damned frustrating to think through, though that's on part of the translation. There's only so much space in those little boxes to convey tips through.
                        ducktalesfan1977's Avatar
                        17 years, 11 months ago
                        Wow you guys make me feel old now.

                        I remember when I was 4 in 1981 going to the arcade for the first time. On every Saturday afternoon, after I got finished watching Saturday Morning cartoons, I took like 10 dollars with me, went to the arcade, got tokens and spent hours on Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Galaga and more. I haven't been to an arcade in 15 years.

                        I got my Atari 2600 in 1982 for my fifth birthday and I played tons of great games (minus the porn games of course) but yet, I still went to the arcade every Saturday afternoon because, I don't know, I still liked playing arcade games.

                        1986, the year I turned nine, I got my NES, I spent like all night on SMB. That machine is still the bomb. I had tons of frustrating, fun, hilarious and embarrassing moments with my NES. The first game I beat was SMB. My friends and I had NES pizza parties every Friday night and we still do it today. I currently have 306 NES cartridges to date.

                        Now those are just some of my memories. I have more but I don't feel like posting them right now, so I'll stop.
                          mr-funky's Avatar
                          1620 Posts
                          17 years, 11 months ago
                          Fave memory ???

                          Beating the Game...then getting bored with
                            17 years, 11 months ago
                            Sonic 1 holds a special place in my heart, not just for the blisteringly fast gameplay but also for the music. Right now I'm listening to a piano rendering of the music in Sonic 1. The pianist is playing the music in the Special Zone slowly enough to tug at my heart in a pang of nostalgia. And Star Light Zone. Oh, it makes me long for the days of when I was 10 and playing it with my cousins on the Sega Genesis. Those songs represented an acquiescence of change with a longing for the old times.

                            Castlevania II for the NES. Friday nights to my fourth-grade self meant racing to the nearest church to refill my life before the clock struck 6PM. "What a horrible night to have a curse," indeed. I will admit that the clues were damned frustrating to think through, though that's on part of the translation. There's only so much space in those little boxes to convey tips through.

                            so wut's going on?
                              17 years, 11 months ago
                              so wut's going on?

                              i'll just leave...
                                mr3urious's Avatar
                                3356 Posts
                                17 years, 11 months ago
                                In the first Mario Party, some of the games had you rapidly rotating the N64 analog stick. Because it's faster and less tiring than using your thumb, I used the palm of my hand instead. Not only did it turn the analog stick to dust, it eventually ripped a big piece of skin off my palm! I know many other people have had this same experience at one point in their life!

                                "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
                                  Saturday_Supercade's Avatar
                                  17 years, 11 months ago
                                  My favorite memories:

                                  Seeing a video game for the first time. It was Space Invaders.

                                  Watching my mom trying to play Tron at the video arcade. Poor lady!

                                  When I was playing Pac-Man on the Atari2600 and having the game for some reason allow Pac-Man to run through walls briefly.

                                  Playing Combat with my sister and laughing ourselves silly when we played the levels with the tanks whose bullets bounced off the walls. Hitting those impossible shots just was hilarious to us.

                                  Beating Super Mario Brothers 2. I was happy that I no longer had a reason to play that game anymore.

                                  Using an emulator for the first time.
                                    RetroGAL's Avatar
                                    181 Posts
                                    17 years, 11 months ago
                                    i'll just leave...
                                    You do that.
                                    LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN:)
                                      Dr-_Pink's Avatar
                                      119 Posts
                                      17 years, 11 months ago
                                      I remember my first system. It was an Atari 2600. Technically it was owned my my Grandmothers boyfriend but I was over so often that it felt like it was mine. Only thing was his game collection wasn't too good. He had the bad version of Pac-man( The one with dashes instead of dots) and the infamus ET game. I was too young to know what I was playing back then so I actually liked them. But ever since I got found a way to play them in recent times I have found that they are afwul. But still I hold some memories of that system.
                                      Dr. Pink Signing Out
                                        17 years, 11 months ago
                                        Earthbound for the SNES! I also remember this as being around the same time that the blue album by Weezer came otu. Two of of my favorite things ever!
                                        Deftones = greatest band ever.
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