990 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Lets say you deleted a file on your memory card for either ps1, ps2, gamecube or any other system which uses memory cards is there a way that you can restore it?
    Nashida's Avatar
    228 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    Doubtful. Once it's gone, it's gone. That's why you should be absolutely sure you want to delete the file.
    These aren't my rules. Come to think of it, I don't have any rules.

      mr-funky's Avatar
      1620 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      Ya, you'll just have to play the game again unless you found a way to keep a back up on the computer and know how to transfer it to the computer and back...

      although gamefaqs.com has some saves you can download but I think their cheat saves...
        adventure_of_link's Avatar
        17 years, 10 months ago
        this isn't PS2/PS1/etc, but with a PSP+Linux, you can make a backup by doing the following:

        (as root)

        # mkdir /mnt/psp
        # mount /dev/node/of/psp/heer /mnt/psp

        (as regular user)
        $ dd if="/dev/node/of/psp/heer" of "~/psp.img"
        $ chmod 644 psp.img

        (and to read/write to your PSP memstick image, if needed, within Linux, do the following (make sure the loopback device is in your kernel, also needs root access)):

        # mount -o /path/to/your/home/directory/heer/psp.img /mnt/psp

        then you can do whatever you want. (if I messed any of this up, feel free to correct me :)

        (you should have the amount of free space needed as per your memory stick though. example: you have a 1GB stick, you'll need 1GB free.)

        also, if there's a card reader/writer which reads PS1/PS2/GC/etc memory cards, and it works in Linux, you could probably do this too.
          990 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          Does anyone here know of if there is a cd that I can back the files up onto just in case if I loose the card or it doesn't work anymore which it should still work if I continue to treat it with care? Also is it true that sometimes files on a memory card get deleted without anyone else or you deleting it or is that impossible to happen? Also is it impossible to have someone hack into your memory card? Does anyone here know the answers to my questions.
            mr-funky's Avatar
            1620 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            Dunno bout the cd part...
            but your memory cannot get deleted without deleting it yourself...
            and its probably possible to get your memory hacked, that is if someone found a way to get to your system...at least
              Ray8286's Avatar
              331 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              Does anyone here know of if there is a cd that I can back the files up onto just in case if I loose the card or it doesn't work anymore which it should still work if I continue to treat it with care? Also is it true that sometimes files on a memory card get deleted without anyone else or you deleting it or is that impossible to happen? Also is it impossible to have someone hack into your memory card? Does anyone here know the answers to my questions.

              i dont think there is a cd but i back mine up with another memory card ever since the day i was vacuming by my ps2. I seen a static charge jump from the vacum to the memory card it totally fried the card.
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                Completely submerge it in water. Sounds crazy, but it worked for me.
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