Wordplay's Avatar
202 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
Seen that one before and most of what it says rings the bells. Even though PS3 is nice, it is a bit too expensive, bossy, and "round." Since anything made by M$ isn't an option either, it leaves only one option...
    79987 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    Whenever I walk into a store (Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc.) they always have a few PS3's in stock, and no Wii systems. In fact, the Wii is probably the only system I've ever seen still selling out everywhere this long after Christmas.
      buckyohare's Avatar
      113 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      I personally own a Wii and I love it. The controller is fantastic, Zelda is epic, Wii sports is like the best drunken game to play EVER and the system is cheap! plus u cant get zelda, mario, mario party, metroid, or super smash on any other system.
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        Ilikethepixies's Avatar
        5870 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        I'm so far away from buying any sort of gaming system, its not even funny. I ain't got a pot to piss in. But, I'd buy a Wii.
          PyroPhoenixX's Avatar
          423 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          "I saved $350 by buying a Wii and it was totally worth it!!" I grew up with Nintendo all my life and Im not ruining what was the best part of my childhood by buying a damn PS3! Theyre ugly, expensive, and there's no Mario games included with it :( plus im cheap. =P
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            BenceCALI's Avatar
            30 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            Go with the Wii. It's by far the best one price and value wise, not to mention that Nintendo is the best. The controller is brilliant, and so is having the ability to (legally) get your hands on all your favorite old school games that you've been wanting to play again for a long time.
              adventure_of_link's Avatar
              17 years, 9 months ago
              Wii all the way for me.

              Hell, there was some woman with her kid complaining about the lack of kids games for PS3 and 360. I told them "Wii all the way, get a wii"

              and the rest is history.
                avaitor's Avatar
                789 Posts
                17 years, 9 months ago
                The Wii, for Nintendo's awesome first party lineup. But, once MGS4 and FFXIII come out, I might actually try to go buy a PS3. Heh, a friend of mine works at CompUSA, and he said the only way he could sell his PS3's are if they only put one or two out there per day.
                  mr3urious's Avatar
                  3356 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  I'd get a Wii first, then a 360, then a PS3.

                  "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
                    Wordplay's Avatar
                    202 Posts
                    17 years, 9 months ago
                    Forgot. There *is* a second alternative for gamers like me: Playstation 2. Been sticking with computers, but if I had to buy one of the consoles, PS2 would definitely be the best choise. Widest selection, lowest prices, and free games. :)
                      mr-funky's Avatar
                      1620 Posts
                      17 years, 9 months ago
                      i think it depends on taste in games, i wouldn't really compare ps3 with wii, but more along the lines of ps3 and 360, both have very similar games and what not...i already got a Wii, need a PS3...
                        Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                        5870 Posts
                        17 years, 9 months ago
                        I just hate the name. Stillborn Infant would have been a slightly more appealing name than Wii. I feel a little metrosexual just typing out the letters w-i-i.
                          Sideswipe's Avatar
                          53 Posts
                          17 years, 9 months ago
                          Assuming i could afford it, i'd buy the PS3, the wii is a gamecube with motion-sensor controllers, the graphics aren't anything special to look at, and the games are, in their majority, too childish. The PS3 is only just started, and it's games list isn't anything special to look at yet, but it already has PSP connectivity and a whole onslaught of awesome games in the works for it.
                          (Gundam Musou, Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, etc..)

                          This said, the PS3 is too pricey, true enough, but i won't waste my money on a Wii either, plus, give it 1 year so the blu-ray format settles in, production prices go down and so will the PS3 price tag. by next year's Christmas it will be at least 100€ cheaper. Bet on it.
                          I don't break the rules, i bend them...a lot!
                            JCU's Avatar
                            356 Posts
                            17 years, 9 months ago
                            I grew up with Nintendo all my life and Im not ruining what was the best part of my childhood by buying a damn PS3!

                            I can whole heartedly agree with Nintendo being the best part of childhood (Transformers, He-Man and GI Joe being tied for second) but if I shared the same "attitude" as you, I would have never experienced the likes of Genesis, TG16, C64, etc.., Loyalty aside, the PS3 doesn't appeal to me based on the price, lack of games, etc.., The Xbox 360 would be my choice any day of the week over the PS3 and between the Wii and 360, it's too tough to call.
                              331 Posts
                              17 years, 9 months ago
                              As much as I support Nintendo, I can't picture myself with a Wii. Before I buy a system, I always consider the games. I want games that are fun, but I also want games that are for my age. The PS3 is way out of my price range. Maybe if it goes down in price (way down) , I'll get it. For the Wii, I feel that there are too many "kiddy" games. That's what I'm finding out with the DS (not that I would trade it for a PSP).
                                Oldschoolgamer83's Avatar
                                17 years, 9 months ago
                                Wii and 360 is the perfect combo imo. I'm a Nintendo fan going way back, but right now, the 360 is my main system. Granted it had a year head start, but the games are better, and in most cases geared more towards the 18-30 age group that I fall in to. I'm gonna get Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, and most likely Mario Kart Wii when ever that comes out as well, but for the most part I would like to see Nintendo and third parties also start putting some more mature content on the system. The Godfather, Red Steel, and even the new Zelda is a good start, but I'd like more. Resident Evil and Man Hunt 2 will help, if we could get some GTA that'd be nice too.

                                Until then though, I have no problem just using the Wii as a way to play all my favorite old school games (gotta love the Virtual Console) and the new Nintendo franchises. 360 does a fine job handling the other stuff.

                                As far as PS3 vs. Wii. I have to go with Nintendo here. PS3 is too expensive, and on top of that pretty much all the third party games I'd want on PS3, minus MGS 4, and the FFs I can get on 360. So in that case when it comes to deciding on a second system it comes down to first party games, and while I think Sony has a strong catalog, it can't Nintendo's.
                                  OldSchoolkid88's Avatar
                                  17 years, 9 months ago
                                  I personally like PS3. I played the wii and ain't that bad, but PS3 has my favorite game selcetion. The only thing that gets me about ps3 is that it cost too much.
                                    mr-funky's Avatar
                                    1620 Posts
                                    17 years, 9 months ago
                                    If the PS3 had a cheaper price at launch they wouldn't get much bad criticism...Their losing 3rd party games that were slated for the PS3 (Devil May Cry 4, Virtua Fighter 5, etc.) mostly due to the fact that those companies think the sales of those games will be down, although it kinda makes sense, making games for the 360 & PS3 are probably more expensive than before...

                                    I still like their first party titles so I still want PS3, Microsofts 1st party titles are good but I'm not a big fan and I already have a Wii, I wonder how long it will be when they make a sudden announcement that MGS4, & FFXIII are going to the 360...

                                    FFXIII is still in question so it could happen soon...MGS4 has been getting a lot of rumors going to the 360, but only rumors, still if Konami needs the cash and PS3 can't get many console sales up then it can happen!
                                      Dr-_Pink's Avatar
                                      119 Posts
                                      17 years, 9 months ago
                                      Defienentally Wii. I already have one so need for a PS3. I come from a slightly poor household so if I were to have two systems that's more game I'd have to get.
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