79987 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
i think the game came out in '99, and i rented it once at blockbuster not too long ago. i've never played it before, but as i've struggled to get through the levels, i'm guessing the series has lost its magic because of this crappy sequel, because the game just sucks. you play through levels, collecting marbles, but theres lots of things out there to get you and sometimes you can't even make it to your objective to win a mission. also, the boss levels are just ridiculous. i can't dodge the missiles that are shot at me from time to time. i know when it's about to come at me, but then sometimes the missiles just mock me and start moving slower so they're impossible for me to jump over or dodge. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??!
    mr-funky's Avatar
    1620 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    It was probably the fact that "Shiny" the ones who made the game weren't involved at that time around...

    I was told that they are working on a Earthworm Jim for the PSP...
      priapic's Avatar
      250 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      I have the Earthworm Jim PC game and play it all the time LOVE IT Wish they had it for 360 :( and no jokes by anyone that i own a 360 ok?? lol
        ek's Avatar
        426 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        ya it was pretty different but I never liked the 2D ones anyway.
          3338 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          I never actually played the video games. I've seen the cartoon but never played the games. I might play the PSP game sometime though.
            79987 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            a pc game.... they made a pc game out of it. i hope it doesn't waste a load of space. didn't know shiny wasn't involved in making it, i guess they showed shiny entertainment on the copyright just to show that that company originally made the franchise, dang, sure had me fooled
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