felix's Avatar
61 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
I dont have much detail to determine the name of this game but it was an arcade game (late 80' s) that featured ninjas that were actually robots underneath their outfits! I believe 2 players were on the screen at once (a girl ninja that wore red and a dude that wore blue). All I can recall is when youd take damage you could see sparks flying out and as you got hit more, youd eventually just be the skeleton of a robot ala Terminator.

Any help on the name of this game would be greatly appreciated!
    HarryReems's Avatar
    2067 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    I had a game just like that for my snes emulator. It was called Ninja Warriors.
    Gotta be the same one.
      felix's Avatar
      61 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      Thats it! I forgot to post in the original to ask if anyone ever beat it. I dont think I ever got past the 1st board!

      Did you beat the snes version?
        HarryReems's Avatar
        2067 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Probably not.
        I remember that game kinda being a pain in the nuts.
          Dawg's Avatar
          484 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          The arcade version was great... it featured two screens, and was one of the first 32-bit games out there (the other was NARC). I played it almost every time when it was at my arcade. I was always able to get past the 1st board to the 2nd level... which was near-impossible with 1-quarter. It was that damn tank that always got me.

          I think they cut a lot out with the SNES version because there were a lot of Natzi refrences (with a guy that looks strikingly like Hitler)... but it was a great game that's also almost just as fun on the MAME emulator (although never the same since it shrinks 2-screens onto 1-screen making for a lot of black on the top & bottom of your screen).
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