79987 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
2007 marks the 20th anniversary for The Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, Castlevania, Final Fantasy and Metroid. All of those franchises got their start on the NES back in 1987 (Final Fantasy didn't make it to North America until 1990, but it was originally released in 1987 in Japan). Two other great games that came out that year, but didn't become a long living franchise like those others: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! and Kid Icarus. Man, 1987 was quite a year for video games!
    331 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    That makes me feel old. But you're right, it was a great year for video games.
      79987 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      game compilations! make game compilations!
        number5's Avatar
        57 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        Those are some great games! I feel very old right now.
          Forgotten_sin's Avatar
          889 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          game compilations! make game compilations!
          there's a Megaman compilation already (two of them actually. one for the original series, and one for the X series). there's also a Zelda collection for the GC (Lacks Lttp, but still has OOT and MM)

          Check out my blog.

            sewage's Avatar
            835 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            Oh man........ memories.... I wish my mom kept the NES even if it was broken :(
            Michaelangelo: Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for a late pizza".
              79987 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              there's a Megaman compilation already (two of them actually. one for the original series, and one for the X series). there's also a Zelda collection for the GC (Lacks Lttp, but still has OOT and MM)

              yeah i got thems, but i want like a mario game compilation with special features like a super mario bros. super show ep or something, or maybe a castlevania compilation, complete with sotn!
                79987 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                yeah i got thems, but i want like a mario game compilation with special features like a super mario bros. super show ep or something, or maybe a castlevania compilation, complete with sotn!

                Not only should it have Sotn, but also Dracula X. I'm not talking about the Dracula X on the SNES (although that should be included too), But the TRUE Dracula X, that was released on the PC Engine over in Japan and never made it to North America. Yes, Dracula X is getting a graphical makeover and being released on the Sony PSP, but that's not good enough. Besides, I'd take the original 2D hand drawn graphic style of the game any day over the new 3D polygonal look.
                  79987 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  yes! long live 2d games!
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