musicradio77's Avatar
739 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
I guess the title says it all. If you want to know about video game consoles vs. the emulators, I found this video on YouTube in which Jedite talks about how consoles compared to emulators. You know video game console where you can play games on your system (NES, PS1, PS2, Genesis, etc.) or the emulators where you can play classic games on your computer. Here is what Jedite has to say.
    s600cam's Avatar
    141 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    I like consoles better.

    1. Original controls, not asdf keys ect...
    2. The way they look.
    3. The discscartridges are always fun to put in.
    I guess? :confused: Well, I just like consoles better.
    And with that, I'm gone with the shadows...
      JackTorrance's Avatar
      49 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      The original is always better in my opinion, if you can get it to work. In some cases the games simply get used and abused over the years and replacing them is sometimes quite speedy depending on the game. But the controls, graphics, etc are all the way the game was meant to be played. Emulators can certainly enhance the experience in many ways, but they'll never be 100% like the original.

      Emulators are awesome though. There's so many games from way back that I never played and have been able to play thanks to them. MAME is a God send. Many arcade games would be long forgotten or flat out lost forever if it weren't for MAME. And with the many ways to use MAME, you can create something that is damn near identical to the arcade machine right in your home.
        2602 Posts
        17 years, 7 months ago
        I prefer the original console.

        MAME is awesome though.
          musicradio77's Avatar
          739 Posts
          17 years, 7 months ago
          I like both the console and emulators, it is much, much fun to play on various system. I have the NES and the PS2. As for the emulators, I can play anything I want. I used to have the SNES and Sega Genesis as well as the Game Boy and the Game Gear. I missed all these consoles. As for emulators, I should play my favorite games for the NES, Genesis, Atari and many others. If I don't have a special controller for that one, I use a keyboard for that.
            SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
            4806 Posts
            17 years, 7 months ago
            I think it probably depends on the actual game in question. I know that playing Super Mario RPG on an emulator is hard, imo, since it's more difficult to jump accurately. DKC too, as a matter of fact.

            I know for Sonic 2, I really prefer the Sega, because of the controls.

            Now games that were meant for like the Gameboy (like say some of the Legends of Zelda series), I don't mind those on an emulator, same with stuff like Pokemon, then again, this is also primarily found on the Gameboy.
              rockmon1041's Avatar
              202 Posts
              17 years, 6 months ago
              I used to have an NES and a Game Boy Advance. I currently have a PlayStation 2, a PlayStation Portable and a Nintendo DS. My grandparents have an NES.
              SSB Brawl Friend Code: 3823 9714 2692
              Wii: 4453 1403 5186 3618
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 6 months ago
                That guy in the video has to be the biggest nerd on the face of the planet.
                  thecrow174's Avatar
                  9986 Posts
                  17 years, 6 months ago
                  I prefer the console. I never really tried an emulator though.

                  Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at
                    Nostalgiascape's Avatar
                    17 years, 6 months ago
                    Isn't emulator talk kind of tabboo in here?
                      Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                      5870 Posts
                      17 years, 6 months ago
                      No one's talking about actually using them... just hypothetical talk.,,, right? ;)
                      No one here would actually stoop to using an emulator.
                      And by the way, why would you go out of your way to try to get a thread locked anyways?
                        80 Posts
                        17 years, 6 months ago
                        I'm sorry, but that kids voice is so annoying...

                        Emulators ftw!! (My nintendo broke long long ago :))
                        Load Universe Into Canon. Aim At Brain. Fire.

                        -Professor Alan Watts
                          5 Posts
                          17 years, 6 months ago
                          I like consoles better.

                          1. Original controls, not asdf keys ect...

                          there are usb converters so that you can use your classic controller on a pc.

                            843 Posts
                            17 years, 6 months ago
                            [FONT=Impact]nothin beats havin the real thing..[that applies to alot of things lol][/FONT]
                              Bionic-J's Avatar
                              134 Posts
                              17 years, 6 months ago
                              Emulators are better - IMO.

                              You can beef-up the graphics. With the SNES emulator you can give the graphics a much more sharper look. Get rid of the pixels, etc.

                              With arcade emulators, you can avoid paying all those quarters to play the game, as well as not having to deal with the HUGE cabinets. Don't get me wrong, if I had the $$$ I would buy all these arcade cabinets.

                              The control thing is NOT an issue. Since you can plug a USB pad and map it as you wish.
                                NY123's Avatar
                                343 Posts
                                17 years, 6 months ago
                                Consoles are definitely better, but emulators are great too. An innovative idea, and I can play old-school games.
                                  Dawg's Avatar
                                  484 Posts
                                  17 years, 6 months ago
                                  First of all... Emulators are 100% LEGAL...
                                  So there is absolutely nothing wrong with them.

                                  It's the ROMS's that are borderline. Some are legal, most are not.

                                  However, I've played both... except TurboGrafix-16 of which all have been emulated...

                                  ...I really feel like the console gaming is the best experience just because it truly feels like a video-game experience. The whole cartridge, selecting through the game cartridges through your library is a whole lot more satisfying (although a little guilty considering how much money I think about that I blew on those games!)...
                                  ...versus just picking out the mass-list of games from the computer screen, and getting the same thing, only a little crisper since it's on your PC screen.

                                  Hmmm... maybe I'm just too nastalgic?
                                  This Space Is Reserved For My Signature...
                                    80 Posts
                                    17 years, 6 months ago
                                    I enjoyed my console gaming back in the day, but having the advanced capabilities of an emulator tends to make it my choice. Selecting a cartridge out of a massive library and plunking into a console is quite a nostalgiac feeling, but a lot of people are forgetting the down side to those clunky old consoles.

                                    For instance, I still own an SNES and a handful of games. I went to play Doom the other day (a crappy port compared to the PC version, but I digress) and I slapped it home and turned it on, controller in hand, eager to get down to business. I was rewarded with a flashing screen. So I pull out the cartridge, blow it out like I used to do, slam it home...same flashing screen. Pull it out again, dig deep in my bag of dirty tricks and blow into the end, this time alternating between warm and cool breath, wiggling the cartridge while in the console and holding the reset button in...still nothing. Grab the rubbing alcohol and some q-tips and clean off the contacts and FINALLY I get some signs of life. I play for about 30 minutes and then it freezes. Now, when I was 11, I would usually respond by going into a rage and drop kicking my SNES across the living room, but now that I'm older I simply let out an apathetic sigh and gave up on Doom for the day.

                                    The moral of the story is that while we all (myself included) remember the glory days of console gaming with fondness, we tend to forget the absolutely ridiculous lengths we went to to get the stupid things to work in the first place. Playing TMNT 2 aint so fun when all the bad guys are scrambled messes. And nothing, I mean NOTHING, beats getting all the way to the end of Ninja Gaiden 2 (that game had like 3 billion levels) and having the game freeze for NO APPARENT REASON. Got first hand experience with that, and I'll bet the cartridge shaped dent is still in the wall of my old house :)

                                    I'll stick with my emulator.

                                    except TurboGrafix-16 of which all have been emulated...

                                    Hey, you got a suggestion for a good freeware TG16 emulator? The only one I can find is PCE and it locks itself up after 30 plays...
                                    Load Universe Into Canon. Aim At Brain. Fire.

                                    -Professor Alan Watts
                                      DJRobE's Avatar
                                      12 Posts
                                      17 years, 6 months ago
                                      I have copiers for my N64, Genesis, Atari 2600, and SNES so screw that Jedyke guy.:p
                                        Krayzee's Avatar
                                        1032 Posts
                                        17 years, 6 months ago
                                        i prefer consoles but I kinda like emulators more because you can get hard-to-find games on there, like Sega Master System games, I have only seen one SMS in my entire life. So, If I want to practicly own an SMS, I can just download an emulator, but I would rather have a system.
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