Influence's Avatar
366 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
I remember my brother and I got so far in this game. We beat the whole first map and we thought that was it, then they continued to take over more places. We were like wtf?!?! By then we were bored so we shut it off and I never got that far again. Just because it took so long and I was playing with my brother so it was more fun than playing that much by yourself. I recall going to the local roller rink when I was younger and they had Rampage in the arcade version....and there was another character....A WOLF! How come he wasn't included in the NES version? Sure you could have 3 people playing at the arcade but why didn't they have the wolf, umm Ralph I think his name was, as a selectable character on the NES version?
"I love the's so bad...."
    Influence's Avatar
    366 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    I remember my brother and I got so far in this game. We beat the whole first map and we thought that was it, then they continued to take over more places. We were like wtf?!?! By then we were bored so we shut it off and I never got that far again. Just because it took so long and I was playing with my brother so it was more fun than playing that much by yourself. I recall going to the local roller rink when I was younger and they had Rampage in the arcade version....and there was another character....A WOLF! How come he wasn't included in the NES version? Sure you could have 3 people playing at the arcade but why didn't they have the wolf, umm Ralph I think his name was, as a selectable character on the NES version?
    "I love the's so bad...."
      17 years, 7 months ago
      I remember my brother and I got so far in this game. We beat the whole first map and we thought that was it, then they continued to take over more places. We were like wtf?!?! By then we were bored so we shut it off and I never got that far again. Just because it took so long and I was playing with my brother so it was more fun than playing that much by yourself. I recall going to the local roller rink when I was younger and they had Rampage in the arcade version....and there was another character....A WOLF! How come he wasn't included in the NES version? Sure you could have 3 people playing at the arcade but why didn't they have the wolf, umm Ralph I think his name was, as a selectable character on the NES version?

      Some arcade games are different than their Console Counterparts.
        17 years, 7 months ago
        I remember my brother and I got so far in this game. We beat the whole first map and we thought that was it, then they continued to take over more places. We were like wtf?!?! By then we were bored so we shut it off and I never got that far again. Just because it took so long and I was playing with my brother so it was more fun than playing that much by yourself. I recall going to the local roller rink when I was younger and they had Rampage in the arcade version....and there was another character....A WOLF! How come he wasn't included in the NES version? Sure you could have 3 people playing at the arcade but why didn't they have the wolf, umm Ralph I think his name was, as a selectable character on the NES version?

        Some arcade games are different than their Console Counterparts.
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