I know what your answer is - MMORPG stands for Massive MULTIPLAYER ONLINE Roleplaying Game.
I get it; multiplayer != solo offline.
But, wouldn't it be nice to solo all those huge bosses and explore EVERY area of the game without having to team up with total strangers (at times)??
Look at World of Warcraft, all those nice areas and cool dungeons, you can't even see because you need 24 other people to go in with you.
What I am proposing is having an offline mode, were your offline character NEVER interacts with the online mode. You are still connected to the company's server, to prevent you from looking at the coding for the AI of the enemies. But, you are essentially in god-mode. Where you have boosted stats and damage output to solo everything.
That way, you can enjoy the entire game.
Also, if you are the type of person who WANTS to team up with people, you switch over to the online mode and play like that.