yea, I LOVE when parents complain about game prices today (I work at a Game Crazy video game store). Do they not remember N64 games costing $50-70? I sure as hell do. I bought friggin NBA Hangtime for $64. You BET I played that game endlessly to get my money's worth cuz that was around the time my parents told me to save my money to get games unless it was my birthday or xmas. I paid $52 for resident evil 2 on PS1 the day that came out, and I paid like $73 for Final Fantasy 7 the day that came out (still have my pre0order shirt with the FF7 logo on front and Cloud on back with a small bio like name, age, and crap like that; also have my RE 2 preorder shirt too). But to parents, games have NOT raised in price THAT much, in the last 10 years.
So when you parents out there complain about a $60 game with the crazy graphics and multiplayer that we have now, realize that its been that way since N64 and PS1 at LEAST. That and PS1 and other systems were $200-300 back then too. With the way money changes. A $300 system back then is just like paying $400 for a system today, so if anything, games are CHEAPER now because we all make more money with higher minimum wages today. I collect old scholl video games. I own roughly 1300 video games total spanning roughly 22 systems from atari-xbox 360 and DS lite. Soon I am getting a PSP when the remodeled ones come out in Sept and then I am getting a PS3 next year when more exclusive games come to it, so I think I know a little about what video games cost back then, and cost now. lol