225 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
do you remember how much the retail prices of new NES games of different calibers used to be?

i remember in most chain toy stores (like Toys R Us, Child World, etc), the vast majority of top-tier games were $49.99, and the crappiest were $19.99 when they werent on sale

very rarely did games go over $49.99, the only one i remember was Dragon Warrior 3 for $59.99 (there was one for $69.99 but i dont remember the name)

with an allowance of only 1 dollar a week, its amazing that i had any games at all
    rirotostichi's Avatar
    1841 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
      88mphGoonie's Avatar
      181 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      Yes, I remember when prices were outrageously expensive for NES games.

      I remember that my brother and I were lucky to get the games during Christmas and on Birthdays.

      We had a great local video store that carried the NES releases so we would pay around $1.50 to rent it for a night.

      I recently came across a few NES games at the thrift store...starting at $0.50 to $2.00. Can't beat that deal with a stick.
      "Goonies Never Say Die!"
        akiraman26's Avatar
        234 Posts
        17 years, 6 months ago
        i wated them to be used and cheap.
          2602 Posts
          17 years, 6 months ago
          Luckily by the age of 14 (1991), I've started working so I brought my own NES games.

          My mom and dad would buy me NES games like for Christmas and my birthday when I was 8-13 years old.
            djbriguy's Avatar
            61 Posts
            17 years, 6 months ago
            super mario bros. 3 was really expensive when it was released.
              139 Posts
              17 years, 6 months ago
              yea, I LOVE when parents complain about game prices today (I work at a Game Crazy video game store). Do they not remember N64 games costing $50-70? I sure as hell do. I bought friggin NBA Hangtime for $64. You BET I played that game endlessly to get my money's worth cuz that was around the time my parents told me to save my money to get games unless it was my birthday or xmas. I paid $52 for resident evil 2 on PS1 the day that came out, and I paid like $73 for Final Fantasy 7 the day that came out (still have my pre0order shirt with the FF7 logo on front and Cloud on back with a small bio like name, age, and crap like that; also have my RE 2 preorder shirt too). But to parents, games have NOT raised in price THAT much, in the last 10 years.

              So when you parents out there complain about a $60 game with the crazy graphics and multiplayer that we have now, realize that its been that way since N64 and PS1 at LEAST. That and PS1 and other systems were $200-300 back then too. With the way money changes. A $300 system back then is just like paying $400 for a system today, so if anything, games are CHEAPER now because we all make more money with higher minimum wages today. I collect old scholl video games. I own roughly 1300 video games total spanning roughly 22 systems from atari-xbox 360 and DS lite. Soon I am getting a PSP when the remodeled ones come out in Sept and then I am getting a PS3 next year when more exclusive games come to it, so I think I know a little about what video games cost back then, and cost now. lol
                voltron82's Avatar
                1003 Posts
                17 years, 5 months ago
                super mario bros. 3 was really expensive when it was released.

                yes it was!!! i had mine on lay-away at Wal-Mart!!! lmao:D
                "In heaven all the interesting people are missing."
                Friedrich Nietzsche
                  April1980's Avatar
                  176 Posts
                  17 years, 5 months ago
                  I can't remember the prices.

                  Partly because when I had my NES I was in a different country to where I am now and the different currencies plays havoc with this sort of recollection.

                  What I do know is, I didn't have it for more than a year. I was an outdoor and very active child. Eventualy traded my Grandmother my NES for a pair of brand new training shoes, of which I got far better use!

                  That was in 1992, and she still has it!
                  The ongoing voyages of a retro junkie
                    548 Posts
                    17 years, 5 months ago
                    MK Trilogy for N64 when it came out was 80 dollars in a Toys 'R Us ad I still own from X-mas '96. Virtua Racing and Phantasy Star IV for Genesis were around 100 dollars at time of release. All I have to say is yikes! I remember my brother telling me how much he had to save up to get Mario 3 in 1990 when it came out and it took him forever to get the money.
                    The Tall Man: "You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us!"
                      Forgotten_sin's Avatar
                      889 Posts
                      17 years, 5 months ago
                      i remember when NES games were 50 dollars.

                      now i can find alot of them for 5 bucks or lower.

                      Check out my blog.
                        JCU's Avatar
                        356 Posts
                        17 years, 5 months ago
                        I'm not sure where many of you were purchasing your NES, SNES and N64 games but I can not EVER recall spending more than $50.00 for a game (tax not included). Ocarina of Time was right around $50 but other huge hits such as SMB, ALTTP, LofZ, etc.., were well under that price ceiling.
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