mr3urious's Avatar
3356 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
Here's a cool idea for a thread: Make up a Kirby ability! Here's what you should include:

- The name of the ability
- Where to find it
- The hat/costume Kirby wears (if any)
- The description
- The moves, and how to perform them

Here's one of mine:

Ability: Flower
Where to Find It: A flower-shaped enemy called Toolipp, which is a drifting tulip-like creature (obviously, I created it).
Hat/Costume: Kirby wears a crown of white, yellow, and pink flowers.
Description: He can spit up to three seeds that grow into pink-colored Lovelies (those flowers in the games that swallow you up). These Lovelies can't hurt Kirby, but they can hurt enemies that get near! Kirby can also do a couple of other plant-related moves. These powers are most effective in lighter areas, and least effective in darker areas.
Helper: Can't create one.

Attack button: Spit Seed (Hold, then release for 1 second to spit three seeds. Press in conjunction with up or down to spit seed in the according direction.)
Down, Down, Attack: Petal Fury (Scatters flower petals all over the screen.)
Up, Up, Attack: Fly Snatcher (Transforms Kirby into a flycatcher-like enemy that leaps into the air and traps the enemy for a while. Kirby receives some energy when the enemy is killed. Press Y repeatedly to damage the enemy, and press any D-pad direction + Y to spit the enemy out.)

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
    mr3urious's Avatar
    3356 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Whoops! Accidentally posted this in the wrong board! Can someone move it to the Video Games board. please?

    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
      Edymnion's Avatar
      2304 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      Whoops! Accidentally posted this in the wrong board! Can someone move it to the Video Games board. please?
      Mecha lecha high, mecha highny hoe. Mecha lecha high, mecha chiney hoe!
      Wait, is it politically correct to call an asian prostitute a chiney hoe?

      Anyway, your wish has been granted. Long live Jombie.

        mr3urious's Avatar
        3356 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        Thanks, Edy!

        "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
          mr-funky's Avatar
          1620 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          T-Virus Kirby

          T-Virus Zombie
          where to get- Racoon City
          Hat- A hat with the Umbrella Logo
          Kirby bites the opponent regain a bit of health but also infecting the opponent in which he will soon turn into a mindless zombie moments later

          thats all i got
            adventure_of_link's Avatar
            17 years, 5 months ago
            Wait, is it politically correct to call an asian prostitute a chiney hoe?

            Eh, don't worry about it

            with all the overly politically correctness, someone needs to take a stand and be offensive sometime
              369 Posts
              17 years, 5 months ago
              Football Kirby
              Abilities: Tackling enemies with his helmet, throwing football, intercepting enemy projectiles and throwing it right back to the enemy.
              Where to find it:Defeating a football player
              Hat:Football helmet
              How to do the moves: Tackling enemies (A while running), Throwing football (B), Intercepting Projectiles (don't need to press a button, Football Kirby is resistant to projectiles)
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