Most have known the Vc launch date of super metroid for about two weeks now, In the shop channel under the catelog headings, is an article called, "Its the month of Metroid"
In there It speaks of coruptions impending launch on the 28'th, and revealed that "nes" metroid would be released on the 13'th for 500 wii points, and then goes on to say way better way to follow that up, then with Super metroid which will be released august 20'th for 800 wii points.
The reason I mention this, Is not to sound like an ass. Its just very rare that Nintendo Allows us to know the games they are going to release for the Vc and when.
It was a pretty big whoopty do in the virtual console forums ;)
I like how they've handled this "Month of Metroid" thing. I hope we get SMB 3 in November around the release of Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. around the time we get Brawl as well. Nintendo can do some more great stuff like this with their awesome back catalogs.
Anyway, I'm happy to finally be able to play Super Metroid again, still as great as I remember.
I dont know what the rules are here for side or off topic posts. But I will risk it as, ive never met the set of forums where an off topic post was just unforgivible.
I love the virtual console, Its the best idea Nintendo ever had. "even if, in some ways, they'er only following Ms's example." Still no one can offer the exclusive things Nintendo has to offer But they.
Ive Filled up My virtual console, Twice over. I suppose my only true gripe about it, Would be with the bigger titles out now. Like super paper mario. and some of the other n64 titles. they really take a lot of space.
I would love it if nintendo would allow us to play our vc titles directly from the sd card.
This problem is only going to become worse when they begin to release neogeo titles :o
Still, as far as this sort of thing goes. Nothing beats the Vc, hands down for quality and rarity, The vc rules them all :cool:
Maybe if that new Kirby game is released, they could release Super Star or Dream Land 3 on the VC around the time of its release!