674 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
Remember Dragon Warrior for the NES? Then it was re-released for the gameboy color? The original is good, but you have to choose your commands rather than automatically doing it, as you could in the gbc version, which was also good, but needed better graphics and the names should be changed back to the way they were on the NES. Don't you think there should be a GBA or DS remake of the first Dragon Warrior?
    Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
    6031 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    Nah. It's been rereleased enough already. Now, Dragon Quest VI should be released in the US, or something. They rereleased DQV on the PS2 (Japan only, of course), maybe they'll do the same?
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      CanadianWeirdAlFan's Avatar
      17 years, 4 months ago
      Well, I have the Dragon Warrior games from game boy color and they work on my Game Boy Advance. :)

      Dragon Warrior I & II were included in one game, Dragon Warrior III was on it's own.

      I wish they'd release Dragon Warrior IV (4). It was so cute. In one level you're a castle soldier, in the second a tomboyish princess..I don't know the rest because I had rented that game long ago. I had enjoyed it.

        Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
        6031 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        Dragon Warrior IV... man, that was going to get rereleased in the US as well. But it's US release was cancelled, which sucks. On the back of the Dragon Warrior VII Manual says "Coming 2002! Dragon Warrior IV! (PSX version)"
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          674 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          Dragon Warrior IV... man, that was going to get rereleased in the US as well. But it's US release was cancelled, which sucks. On the back of the Dragon Warrior VII Manual says "Coming 2002! Dragon Warrior IV! (PSX version)"

          yeah, that sucks. at least dragon warrior IX will soon be on the ds. Now they have to make a Dragon Quest for the psp!
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