Krumm6876's Avatar
161 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
that is if you plan on having kids but any way im basiclly trying to save all the games that changed my life like super mario brothers and way to many others to even think about.

but anyway what are yours?
i read the never ending story and guess what?

It ended.
    the-micro-man's Avatar
    3492 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    All of them! Duh!! :D
      mr-funky's Avatar
      1620 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      probably none i usually end up selling them or giving them away, either that or they break, they'll probably get the new consoles and games during their generations...I'll just have an emulator for everything oldschool, unless I use the backwards compatability on the future-gen. systems :P

      but honestly in my opinion, they probably won't care, or won't play the old stuff as much since technology eventually improves, but I hope they at least try Mario and Tetris
        Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
        6031 Posts
        17 years, 2 months ago
        What Micro-Man said.
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          Oldschoolgamer83's Avatar
          17 years, 2 months ago
          I'll keep the Wii, 360 and PS3. The Wii has all the old NES, SNES, Genesis, TG16/CD, Neo Geo stuff so I can just let my kids play those games on the Wii if they ever want to. Of course, I'm probably a few years away from having to worry about that anyway and I don't know how much interest kids have in playing older stuff. Kids care more about the current technology that they're growing up with.
            Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
            6031 Posts
            17 years, 2 months ago
            Well sometimes that isn't true. My little cousins, 7 and 9, seem to enjoy playing my NES, Genesis, and SNES. Which is nice!
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              MrCleveland's Avatar
              1066 Posts
              17 years, 2 months ago
              Sega Genesis.
                79987 Posts
                17 years, 2 months ago
                My mario games and my NES. Considering that is all I have that would be worth anything to them. My bf who I will more than likely be having children with. He has more stuff worth giving to them lol.
                  badfish420's Avatar
                  57 Posts
                  17 years, 2 months ago
                  Im pregnant right now with my first child, and I have every intention on saving all my video games for myself and my child to play whether I have a boy or a girl. I currently own a NES, SNES, N64, Wii, and a Genesis. My boyfriend has an XBOX 360 and a PS2. I don't think he'll be getting rid of those any time soon.
                    PastPresentFuture's Avatar
                    17 years, 2 months ago
                    I have doubles of my systems. I got 2 genesis, 2 nintendos, and 2 n64s(one got the exp). I need to get a second snes tho.
                    [FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]"I Am The Reason Why You Are Still Standing. I Am The Reason Why You Ain't Dead. I Am The Reason Why You Are Alive."[/FONT]
                      361 Posts
                      17 years, 2 months ago
                      All of my NES stuff. The thing isn't so much that the games changed my life, but the controllers were simple enough for parent and child to use and create a bond.

                      I can't use today's controllers to save my life. Rumble pack what?

                      Give me my Atari back, please! :D
                      SchwinnGirl's Signature Image
                        843 Posts
                        17 years, 2 months ago
                          Bomberman's Avatar
                          3299 Posts
                          17 years, 2 months ago
                          All of 'em, although I'll be saving them more for myself than my kids. :D
                          Game... ovahhhhhhhhh!!!
                            OldSchool6239's Avatar
                            241 Posts
                            17 years, 2 months ago
                            My kids love playing all my old systems especially my daughter shes really not into the current consoles. She loves my Sega Genesis so I keep it hooked up in her room.She really doesn't like playing with her brothers on the Gamecube or Wii.
                              arkitect's Avatar
                              13 Posts
                              17 years, 2 months ago
                              i will attempt to preserve my PS2, PSP, and WII

                              in the future maybe an xbox360?

                              only time will tell

                                Copper20's Avatar
                                601 Posts
                                17 years, 2 months ago
                                None!! I'm not having kids either!

                                I have a project 64 emulator so I really don't need any N64s for a long time, but since my sister or brother may have kids, I'll probably keep my emulators on there.
                                  mariofan1980's Avatar
                                  27 Posts
                                  17 years, 2 months ago
                                  probably all of them.

                                  at least the nintendo ones.
                                    402 Posts
                                    17 years, 2 months ago
                                    I had my NES in my closet (I got it used in 1997) and when my cousin came up to visit I put it on the TV. She's 12, I'm her age backwards...

                                    Anyways, she loved it! And this is someone who's been raised on GameCubes/Nintendo DSs. We played Super Mario Bros. 3 for hours and if it weren't for time naturally progressing I think we would have been there until we beat it...and we weren't using warp whistles...

                                    It was great to see a youngster into the NES. I'll adopt kids if I don't get married and I know that NES will be kicking around for them, as will be my N64 and probably the GameCube. As for the Atari 2600, as long as it still works, it will be there and so will my **in box** Magnavox Odyssey!
                                      79987 Posts
                                      17 years, 2 months ago
                                      I doubt I'll let my kids have any of my systems, as I am a collector and I want them to stay in my collection. However, I will buy them systems for their own. I will probalby start them out on the NES or SNES and simple 2D games.
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