16 years, 9 months ago
i love the movies so ive played some of the games the had them for nes then a good one for snes back to the future 2. idk if they had it released in america or not cause the only rom vesion i found is like a japenese one
    HarryReems's Avatar
    2067 Posts
    16 years, 9 months ago
    yes i have heard of the games from nes both of them got bad reviews but i did not play them so i do not know never heard about any japanese version but the video game nerd said the nes one suck oh well i guess he was right they looked pretty bad and that is not good if you know what i mean and i think you do
      79987 Posts
      16 years, 9 months ago
      Super Back to the Future 2 for the Super Famicom was never released in the USA, it's a shame really, that was the only BTTF game that was any good. It's also a hard game to come by on the Collectoers circle, up there with the SFC Astro Boy game, though that one I have thanks to the GF.
        Phantasmagoria_3D's Avatar
        16 years, 9 months ago
        Most of the BTTF games were terrible! The Angry Video Game Nerd hit the nail directly on the head with his review on the NES games. But the worst one IMO was "Back to the Future, Part III" for the Genesis. I mean, it's nearly impossible to complete the first level in that game. Like everyone else stated, "Super Back to the Future, Part 2" (for the SNES) was the only good BTTF game ever made.
          Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
          6031 Posts
          16 years, 9 months ago
          If the Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed a game like Super Mario Bros. 3, and he said it sucked, would you all agree with it?

          Jus' cuz the Angry Vidya Game Nerd reviews a game dudn't mean y'all can be followin' his here opinions.
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            liukangx's Avatar
            3907 Posts
            16 years, 9 months ago
            I will since I played most of those games and I could say much worse. He just did Shaq-fu... need I say more?

              79987 Posts
              16 years, 9 months ago
              If the Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed a game like Super Mario Bros. 3, and he said it sucked, would you all agree with it?

              Jus' cuz the Angry Vidya Game Nerd reviews a game dudn't mean y'all can be followin' his here opinions.

              Well i do Enjoy Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu, adn the AVGN did do that one, BUT, and its a big but, even though i like it, doesnt mean it's a good game.
                Bomberman's Avatar
                3299 Posts
                16 years, 9 months ago
                If the Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed a game like Super Mario Bros. 3, and he said it sucked, would you all agree with it?

                Jus' cuz the Angry Vidya Game Nerd reviews a game dudn't mean y'all can be followin' his here opinions.
                Nobody's said anything to act like a huge AVGN suck up, so I wouldn't worry about that. :/ It's a true fact the NES Back to the Futures suck.
                Game... ovahhhhhhhhh!!!
                  Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
                  6031 Posts
                  16 years, 9 months ago
                  Yes, it's true, but I'm so sick of hearing people say things like "Teh AVGN is right, this game is worse than a smouldering pile of donkey crap!"
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                    Bomberman's Avatar
                    3299 Posts
                    16 years, 9 months ago
                    Well most of the games he reviews suck anyway and deserve to be put down, but Simon's Quest happens to be my favorite Castlevania. :T That aside, I think it's good a character such as him is being quoted like that, it's like the first universally popular and well-known thing that has to do with retro gaming, so therefore I approve. Besides, AVGN fan > Family Guy fan > Avatar/Naurto fan.
                    Game... ovahhhhhhhhh!!!
                      79987 Posts
                      16 years, 9 months ago
                      I should try out the video-game based on "Part II", mainly because that is my favorite movie of the trilogy.
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