We all know what Bonk would do if he read this...
Thoul: That's odd that you got picked on for liking Bonk in the 6th grade, considering everyone and their grandma (practically) brought their TurboGrafx-16s to school all the time with a Bonk game in them
also the-micro-man, I'd say kick some ass dude. if they can get away with it, then you could too.
It's pretty much true. Around the time Super Bonk & Arcade Bonk came out, the craze pretty much died down, and if you even talked about it, you'd look like a panzy, especially where I went. The school that pretty much changed how I acted. Like, used to be, I wouldn't swear, but hearing them kids frequently utter 'fuck', 'dick', and 'ass' around me pretty much turned me into a guttermouth. Turned me into a lot of other things, too.
Bomberman, as a Bomberman, just place a couple of bombs next to him, then get away, unless you have a Heart or a Fire Coat or something.
And... liking old games?
Whether 'it's old' or 'it's a passing fad but still a good game' or 'the main character looks like a Fred Flintstone wannabe with a mammoth-fur toga. What a fruit.', they'll make fun of it.
Bonk looks more like a cave BABY and not a cave man!
sonic64Bonk looks more like a cave BABY and not a cave man!
fyi i'm 15 and try to be a man, but everyone in my school are just a bunch of idiots, and i'm gonna say this one more time, so listen up: If you beat someone up in my school, the principal calls the cops.
Now, do I have to repeat it?
the-micro-mansonic64Bonk looks more like a cave BABY and not a cave man!
fyi i'm 15 and try to be a man, but everyone in my school are just a bunch of idiots, and i'm gonna say this one more time, so listen up: If you beat someone up in my school, the principal calls the cops.
Now, do I have to repeat it?
What did I do to you?? :(
sonic64the-micro-mansonic64Bonk looks more like a cave BABY and not a cave man!
fyi i'm 15 and try to be a man, but everyone in my school are just a bunch of idiots, and i'm gonna say this one more time, so listen up: If you beat someone up in my school, the principal calls the cops.
Now, do I have to repeat it?
What did I do to you?? :(
nice try. we know what your thinking, n00b. PWNED!!!!11
the-micro-mansonic64the-micro-mansonic64Bonk looks more like a cave BABY and not a cave man!
fyi i'm 15 and try to be a man, but everyone in my school are just a bunch of idiots, and i'm gonna say this one more time, so listen up: If you beat someone up in my school, the principal calls the cops.
Now, do I have to repeat it?
What did I do to you?? :(
nice try. we know what your thinking, n00b. PWNED!!!!11
What is your problem, dude? All said was that Bonk LOOKED like a kid and not a caveman!
thanks man, that felt so fucking swell! today at my dreaded wal-mart (explained in the mario galaxy in walmart thread) to buy R-Type, and many of the Nintendo gamers are there, and i'd probably look like an idiot buying a TurboGrafix game there. Normally you would probably see girls with pink TurboDuoss, but where i live, you don't, either parents don't want there girls to play them or they have a DS. I will explain the results i get from walmart later.
btw, me and my friend (only other friend that plays TurboGrafix in my school) had a survey on who would win in Bonk and Adventure Island games (only between bonk and master higgins) and a bunch of the jocks during lunch nosed in and said "aren't you too old to be playing that!?!?" and others agreed and caused a riot, and the janitor had to settle it. Most of the teachers didn't know who bonk or master higgins was, liked Zelda better, and only one replied with (bonk is faster, so he would win) and she is a popular teacher, and that is another thing that was involved in the riot. one teacher went to masterhiggins.com and it brought up a gay porn website (you know, your typical gay BDSM pool?) and he said "see, thats a master higgins. i vote for master higgins) and i actually thought that was funny, then more people in the class replied with (aren't you too old to play that?!?!?) and then i told the teacher about you guys becuase your older and still play oldschool and he said "yeah, and do they have any jobs" and said something similar to what XeAThoul said about nerds buying Zelda games and going poor.
Bonk looks more like a cave BABY and not a cave man!
Them and there stupid scientifical game show, going crazy over it while they give someone a dirty look in line because he likes Bonk's Adventure, thats racist... :x
NEC POWER! NEC POWER!!!!!!!! :evil:
Okay Sonic64, i'm gonna need your help, i got into a fight about this on myspace and here is what this kid wrote:
without a doubt, people hate the TurboGrafix-16 because the controllers are retarded. The games are crap other than a few, and Wii play together is it's slogan...The SEGA Genesis is also without a doubt the best system on the face of the planet. It has the best graphics, best games, and its the most popular system. Your thing about the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 fans, yea there were prolly 4 times as many people who lined up for halo 3 than the goddamn TurboDuo. No one plays those old games like Bonk's Adventure and Adventure Island because no one like gay cavemen running around in little loincloths. Besides, the princess is prolly like master higgins's sister or somethin coz that guy is reallly realllly reallly a flamer. Hmm what else i got... oh yea... you said n00b like 4 times in that frickin thing. That just goes to show you what kinda people play the TurboGrafix.........
what do you have to say to him? hurry!
I just spent the rest of my Christmas money today, and man was I pleased to see a few NEC fans! It was first at Target and a whole family were buying TurboGrafix games and talking about cool it was when they bought it. Actually, that was it! I was looking for a HuCard Converter and Target was out, so then I went to Odd Lots.
ODD LOTS had 3 more HuCard Converters, so I let out a "Yes, they have it" after hearing that they were as hard to get as TurboDuos themselves. But once I shouted it, which wasn't very loud, a few of the people behind me (looking at the Nintendo games and talking about some game called "the shocker, the rocker, and the showstopper" or something), turned around for a second breifly looking at me, and then looking at eachother with a " " grin and then one looked at me and said "What the fuck dude?" so then under my breath I said "Whatever, I don't even wanna know" and just let them go on laughing, not really caring because I got my hands on one of the last HuCard Converters. Then as I was looking at the box in all its glory, reading the description of the BomberMan's Bomb-Throwing training game on the back and then looking at BomberMan '94 TurboDuo edition on the rack, a mother and 3 kids were coming down the isle.
Before they walked in, one kid saw BomberMan on the TurboGrafix-16 (playable as a demo, finally) and asked his mom if he could play it. She said in a stern voice "No, I don't want you playing evil bomb terrorist fighting liberal pinko gay homo hippie drug games!" So then I stood up and kindly suggested that he should be allowed to play it because it isn't a violent game. Then she said "See Moses, I don't want you to end up like him, buying "those" kind of games, so lets go!" So I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the isle to look in the vhs's for an InuYasha boxset, because I'm an okatu furry.
Later when I went in line, the same mother with her kids were in front of me, and she bought her kids some Power Rangers game for the GB with the Mega Zord on the front or something and Spongebob 2 for the TurboDuo. WTF? If only those guys looking at the Genesis games had the guts to insult her...
That brings up my next question, why are parents buying their kids the Dogz instead of Nintendogs for the DS? I mean sure, Catz and Hamsterz are pretty cool because they don't have different animals in the NECdogs series, but how can Dogz look alot better than Nintendogs? My history teacher told the class that she got her daughter a TurboDuo for christmas with Dogz 2 and Hannah Montana's Whorefest III, and there is nothing wrong with a young girl liking Hannah Montana, but how can Dogz 2 be possibly better than NECdogs?