Jesus_crysus's Avatar
1260 Posts
16 years, 7 months ago
i bought a ps1 for under 10 bucks but it didnt come with controllers
i have a ps2 and im wondering would my ps2 controller work with my ps1?

    TurboDuo's Avatar
    2086 Posts
    16 years, 7 months ago
    Yes, PlayStation 2 controllers are fully compatible with the original PlayStation, and vice versa.
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      Bomberman's Avatar
      3299 Posts
      16 years, 7 months ago
      Couldn't you have just tried it?... :?
      Game... ovahhhhhhhhh!!!
        Jesus_crysus's Avatar
        1260 Posts
        16 years, 7 months ago
        its hard to try when u have no games

        and i had to find my ps2 controller. i found it and i also found my sponge bob controller (according to my buddy, im gay for having a sponge bob controller) and my retro ps1 controller too

          ALLAH's Avatar
          10 Posts
          16 years, 7 months ago
          Your gay anyways so why would it matter?
          :shock: :o Blah Blah Blah :o :shock:
            Jesus_crysus's Avatar
            1260 Posts
            16 years, 7 months ago
            heres an idea
            how about u stick a bomb up your ass and run head first in to a walk?

              ALLAH's Avatar
              10 Posts
              16 years, 7 months ago
              Im just surprised you even typed half that sentence successfully. Too bad you fucked up the last word. Otherwise it might have been the first sentence you ever wrote on here to make any sense at all.
              :shock: :o Blah Blah Blah :o :shock:
                Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                1260 Posts
                16 years, 7 months ago
                heres an idea
                how about u stick a bomb up your ass and run head first in to a wall?

                JOIN THE REVOLUTION
                  ALLAH's Avatar
                  10 Posts
                  16 years, 7 months ago
                  Too late your already a moron.
                  :shock: :o Blah Blah Blah :o :shock:
                    skeeterfly's Avatar
                    1 Posts
                    16 years, 7 months ago
                    why would you buy a ps1 if you don't have any games to play it with?
                      Drakon's Avatar
                      3703 Posts
                      16 years, 7 months ago
                      Why would you buy a ps1 if you have a ps2? I guess the price was pretty okay though. Of course that IS if it actually works.
                        adventure_of_link's Avatar
                        16 years, 7 months ago
                        I dunno, so he can make it portable? (assuming the small PSone model)

                        that's kinda what I did with mine. then again, you can do that with pstwo's?
                          Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                          1260 Posts
                          16 years, 7 months ago
                          why would you buy a ps1 if you don't have any games to play it with?

                          thats a stupid question.
                          why do i have 2 Nintendos for? why do i have 2 n64s for? why do i have 2 genesis' for? i dont know
                          heres a question for u why do u need lotion when u have no weiner??
                          i can ask stupid questions too

                          i like to have the original
                          sure the ps2 can play ps1 games but i like the feeling of playing a ps1. its just like playing a nes game on a fc twin or on the virtual console. it doesnt feel right, u need a real nes.

                          and i had a ps1 back when i was a we little lad so it bring back memories

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                            johnaj1973's Avatar
                            121 Posts
                            16 years, 7 months ago
                            why would you buy a ps1 if you had a ps2?
                              Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                              1260 Posts
                              16 years, 7 months ago
                              why would you buy a ps1 if you had a ps2?

                              y would u do a guy if u r a guy???

                              JOIN THE REVOLUTION
                                Drakon's Avatar
                                3703 Posts
                                16 years, 7 months ago
                                why would you buy a ps1 if you had a ps2?

                                y would u do a guy if u r a guy???

                                obviously this is the only thing that ever goes through his head.

                                But would make more sense to get this "original" experience if you had games to get that original experience with. Hopefully it works.
                                  liukangx's Avatar
                                  3907 Posts
                                  16 years, 7 months ago
                                  what is the EXT port on the bottom of the playstation for?

                                    liukangx's Avatar
                                    3907 Posts
                                    16 years, 7 months ago
                                    ^ does anyone know????

                                      Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                                      1260 Posts
                                      16 years, 7 months ago
                                      its for add ons

                                      just like how the genesis had a port on the botton for the sega cd

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                                        Drakon's Avatar
                                        3703 Posts
                                        16 years, 7 months ago
                                        they shoulda made an addon like the play station cd....CD! I don't remember any addons coming out for that system except for that portable tv screen but I don't think it plugged into the bottom

                                        *edit* what addons actually DID come out for the system?
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